Chapter 9: Evil Arises

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-As soon as I left Beredon's quarters I decided to go for a walk.
I needed some time to think.

I accidentally bumped into Haldin.


"Sorry, Haldin, I wasn't paying attention."

"It's alright. I actually have something to show you."

My curiosity aroused, I followed him.

He led me outside.
We walked for quite some time, and the going was tough considering the snow was up to my knees.

I watched as a small finch landed on a branch above my head.

Haldin stopped and pointed towards a very large evergreen tree. What I saw startled me. On a lower branch there was a tiny shred of black cloth. It was weather worn and torn around the edges.

A vision entered my head of a Rider cloaked in black heading east. Passing this tree, a part of his cloak had caught on this branch and was torn off. His horse, which must have been a very large breed,
was as black as night, all except for the bloodshot eyes and bleeding nostrils and hooves. I shuddered and closed my eyes.

"What... What is that?!" I managed to squeak out. My very blood seemed chilled.

"You look as though you've seen a ghost."

"Then you did not see It?"


"I must have envisioned whatever passed through here... It was... Terrifying."

Haldin tilted his head rather like a dog, a comical habit he had done since he was a child.

"No, I didn't." He stared at me.

"What?" I asked, feeling rather uncomfortable.

"You had a vision?"

I nodded.

"Which way was the... Thing headed?" He asked.

"East." I replied.

I shivered and pulled my cloak closer around myself.

"May we head back now? It's freezing out here." I chattered.

Haldin looked at the tracks for a moment longer. "Yes."

We headed back home.-

-Beredon was waiting for us when we arrived.

"What was it, Haldin?" He asked curiously.

"All I saw was a tattered piece of cloak caught on a branch, and tracks. Aldith could tell you more."

I looked at Beredon.

"A rider cloaked in black headed east. His horse was as dark as the night."

Beredon turned his gaze to Haldin.

"You didn't see it?"

Haldin shook his head.

"Aldith had a vision of whoever it was. I only saw the shred of cloth and the tracks." He replied.

Beredon shook his head.
"What do you suppose all this suggests?" He questioned.

Haldin turned.
"What do you mean?"

"Orcs are trying to find paths into Ithilien. Riders cloaked in black heading east. When you were attacked..." Beredon's voice trailed off.

"What?" I asked.

"The blade..." He muttered.

Beredon looked at me.

I blushed and turned away.

Haldin must have noticed.
He gave me a sharp look.

"I don't know yet, but we will find out soon enough." Haldin sounded upset.

He turned and headed towards his quarters.

Beredon turned to me.

"Aldith?" He began.

I looked at him.

"After you recovered..." He began to stammer.

My heart pounded. Why do I feel like this?

"I visited you much while you were resting. I began to feel differently about you."

I felt myself blushing.
Seriously, what is wrong with me?

"Aldith, I love you." My eyes widened.
Say something!!

Finally after what felt like forever I replied:
"I love you too."

He smiled.
Such a perfect smile. Why haven't I noticed that before?

We leaned closer to each other.
After a moment's hesitance, our lips met.

My heart hammered.

After a few moments he backed away. He grinned sheepishly.
I couldn't help but smile back.

Suddenly Haldin called for Beredon.

"Reports?" I laughed.

He smiled. "Of course."
Suddenly he whipped a snowball at my face. It hit my cheek.

I put a hand to my cheek and feigned injury.

"Aldith, I'm sorry..."

I smirked and, without warning, chucked a snowball as hard as I could. It hit his stomach. He doubled over.

I laughed.
He laughed and took off at a run.

And I smiled like an idiot the whole way back to my quarters.-

-Thank you for reading! I know it wasn't the best chapter but hey, I tried. XD Anyway *wiggles eyebrows* BEREDON AND ALDITH
*clears throat*
Um... Thanks for reading.
almost forgot, please PLEASE go follow the amazing princesswithashotgun and read her story, Shadow Walker! It's an amazing *wiggles eyebrows again* Legolas love story... *plugs ears as fangirls shriek at the mention of Legolas' name* Also she's just super nice and awesome so yeah!
Thanks for reading!

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