Chapter 2: Trapped

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Aldith POV~
Ranulf and Wyndmere, Haldin's horse, were restless. Haldin decided we would wait until morning to head back to Ithilien.

"Get some rest, Aldith. I'll keep watch tonight."

"We should both be on our guard. This place is usually crawling with Orcs." I replied.
Haldin didn't seem to hear.


"Quiet." He snapped. He must have heard something. A shrill screech rang out in the night.

"Orcs." He whispered.
Suddenly a very large Orc appeared in the brush ten feet from where we stood. The red Eye of Sauron was painted on its helm. The sword it held gleamed in the pale moonlight. Strange, evil-looking runes were engraved on the hilt. Suddenly the Orc charged. Our swords collided. Out of the corner of my eye I saw an Orc slink up behind Haldin.

"Haldin, look out!" I screamed.
He was knocked off his feet by the Orc. I sighed with relief as he jumped to his feet and began battling with his enemy. I turned back to my own battle. The gigantic Orc swung his blade at my head. I ducked just in time, but he kicked me off of my feet. I hit the ground, gasping for air. The Orc saw his chance. He kicked my sword out of the reach of my hand. I looked up in time to see the blade of the Orc coming down. I felt it pierce my right shoulder. I screamed out in pain. He only smiled and drove it in further. Such burning pain as I had never felt before coursed through my shoulder. Haldin felled his Orc and rushed to defend me. The Orc heard him coming and jerked the blade from my shoulder. This only added to the pain I had felt before. I gasped and choked back a cry. Through blurred eyes I saw Haldin kill the Orc with one swift stroke. It fell to the ground. He rushed over to my side.
He bent over me, examining my wound. Fear entered his eyes as he took in all that had happened.
He pressed on my shoulder. I gasped. A spasm of pain rushed through my wound.
"Haldin.." I whimpered. He ran over to the dead Orc. Grabbing the blade from its hand, he examined it. His face went pale. He tossed it aside and ran back to me.
He didn't tell me what he had seen. I feared the worst. He lifted me up. My legs felt like lead. I was too weak to stand. I gasped and clutched at his arm to steady myself.
He let me sink back to the ground.
"Ranulf!" He called. The great horse galloped up to us. He slowed to a walk. Haldin led him over to me. Ranulf pulled away from Haldin and rushed to my side. He nuzzled my cheek. Despite my pain I laughed. He was more than just a horse, he was my companion. We've been through everything together. He grunted and sank to his knees. Haldin lifted me up unto his back. I groaned. Another spasm of pain rushed through my shoulder. Haldin climbed into the saddle. "What-what about Wyndmere?" I whispered.

Haldin didn't answer. He flicked the reins and Ranulf took off.

~Haldin POV~
Aldith's breathing became more shallow. She swayed from side to side in the saddle, barely conscious. "Haldin.." She gasped. Her eyes were filled with pain. I bit my lip and kicked my heels into Ranulf's side. He galloped faster. I knew she wouldn't last much longer. We were nearing Ithilien. I slowed Ranulf to a stop. Finding the path at night without a lantern proved to be nearly impossible.
Suddenly I saw a light.
"Haldin?" A voice called out. I knew it to be the voice of Beredon.
"Quick, Beredon! Over here!" I called. He ran up to us.
"It's Aldith. She's been wounded. She needs medicine right away."
He ran ahead of us as fast as he could. I dismounted. Ranulf was getting weary. I followed Beredon slowly. Ranulf spared Aldith as many jolts as possible. Finally after what seemed like hours we reached Henneth Annûn, The Window Of Sunset. This secret refuge consists of a cave behind a west-facing waterfall overlooking a pool, the "Window-curtain". Beredon came back and helped me carry Aldith into the cave. We laid her upon a bed. Beredon left and returned a few minutes later, carrying a strange looking plant.
"What is that?" I asked.

"Athelas. Or Kingsfoil in the common tongue. It seems this is all we have left."

"Give it here, quick!" Another man brought a boiling pot of water. I crushed the leaves in my hand and threw them in the water. Instantly a sweet fragrance filled the air. I grabbed a rag and dipped it in the water. I cleansed her wound, then bandaged it, putting the remaining Athelas leaves in the bandage.

"It's working!" Beredon gasped.
I looked at her. Although her face looked peaceful for the moment, I noticed she looked deathly pale. I looked at Beredon.

"What is it?"
He whispered.

"The blade.." I started, but I didn't finish. I couldn't.

"What is wrong?" He asked.

"It-it was a poisoned blade. Strange runes also were written on it, though I couldn't read it. A dark spell must lay on that blade. She has taken many wounds before, but none had her so weak so fast."

Beredon's face went pale.
My eyes strayed back to Aldith. Beads of sweat rolled down her face. I longed to help her. To take away her pain. But what more could I do? Tears began to roll down my face. I couldn't let her die. I walked over to her bed and kneeled down.

"Don't give in, Aldith." I whispered. "Don't give in." ~

~Aldith POV~
I struggled to stay awake. It was no use. I felt myself slipping into unconsciousness. I desperately tried to fight the urge to sleep. I knew if that happened I might never awake again. But I was in so much pain. Perhaps it would be better to give in. I would never feel pain again. Darkness threatened to take ahold of me. Unwillingly, I felt myself giving in. I heard and saw no more.-

-Darkness. I was surrounded by it. There was no light. This was it. I was dying. I felt myself slipping away. But wait! I heard a voice. It sounded so familiar. "Don't give in." It whispered over and over again. Suddenly I felt life in me again. I desperately fought off the darkness. I saw a thread of light. Then it vanished. I felt myself slipping away again. I tried to fight it off one last time. The darkness succumbed. I used the last of my strength to open my eyes. For a fraction of a second I saw a face. Haldin. Then the darkness surrounded me once more.
"No!" A voice yelled again. I didn't have the strength to fight anymore. I gave in.-

What will happen next?
Thank you so much for reading! I hope you enjoyed this chapter. The next chapter should be out soon.

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