Chapter 3

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  So I'm gonna try the whole Donald's POV thing I hope it goes well. It's hard cause you know I don't really know what they feel cause I don't own them.

Donald's POV

   After Alyssa auditioned, the rest of the treblemakers started arguing about her. Talking about how hot she was. True, she is hot but they sound like idiots, I see her turn around probably annoyed. There was only a few other people to perform, nobody really appealed to us, plus we already have enough people.

   -Later at the aca- initiation party-
  Lots of girls start to flirt with me, I dance with some of them. I'm screwed though Alyssa isn't going to fall for me, because there's no way she didn't make the Bella's and have to say their stupid oath. Also, when I talk to her in English class, she either ignores me or hardly talks. I'm not exactly sure why.
I saw her the other day with her hot roommate. I was with this girl who's name I've already forgotten. She was a girl who I hooked up with a lot. I'm really not sure why I do it. I guess Bumber's just a terrible influence. I've spent the past two years with him. We are great friends but he's a real jerk. He flat out flirts with a girl, then leaves in the morning. I flirt but it's not hard, they practically come to me.
Except Alyssa, she's different. She doesn't crawl at my feet. It aggravates me because I want her to want me. The girl I was dancing with me is snapping at me trying to get my attention. I guess I zoned out. I look over to where Alyssa was standing earlier. She's talking to Clhoe, like Clhoe was trying to talk her into something. Oh well who cares, I see a girl walking towards me. Very drunk, easy to penetrate.

Alyssa's POV

I tell her it's nothing, but she doesn't let it go. "Come on, stay, get drunk." I look back over at Donald, another girl stumbling towards him. Ugh, why do I feel this way, he's a treblemaker probably just wanting to get in my pants even if he did like me.

Eventually Clhoe talks me into staying. After about 20 minutes I'm drunk, apparently it doesn't take much. I'm dancing like there's no tomorrow, even though tomorrow I'll be in a lot of pain, I was dancing with some guy from the treblemakers, who's name I didn't know. I went back to get another drink but was stopped by Becca. "Okay, you've definitely had enough to drink. How about lets get you home before you do something you regret." she says to me. I deny at first, but then I start to feel woozy. She catches me but I feel another pair of arms pick me up and take me back to my dorm. I don't know who it is though because I completely blacked out before seeing. The last thing I heard was Becca telling whoever it was to take me to my dorm and be careful.

---next morning---

I wake up to feel like crap. I walk to my mirror. I look worse than I feel. If that's even possible. I don't see Nikki she probably hooked up with someone, no offense to her, but that's just what she seems like.
I get some aspirin and water, then get dressed. I'm wearing a pair of leggings and a sporty tank top with my fila's. I look at my phone. I have text from just about every accapella person I know. Every Bella, and surprisingly a few trebles what the heck did I do last night.

I walk to Bella's practice and figure I will just ask Becca. Me and her get along pretty well. The only thing I remember was watching Donald dance with a ton of girls which aggravated me, so I told Clhoe, but she talked me into staying, then I got drunk, every time I remember how easily I get drunk, but I always forget and get drunk anyways. When I get to practice I asked Becca what happened and I got a little from everyone. Fat Amy told me after I got real drunk it go interesting. She told me that I started dancing with one of the trebles. Everyone explained that I was dirty dancing with a few trebles just the background ones though. They said I stopped for another drink and Becca told me no then I started to pass out and Donald carried me back to my dorm. Memories came back to me about last night. I remember the mysterious person carrying me back. So that's who it was. I feel kinda happy for some reason. I don't even know why. I tell them thanks and we get to work on the set Becca came up with for regionals. It starts with everyone singing how to save a life. Then changes into The Monster. It finishes into Timber while lily raps to The monster.
After practice I see a call I see that it's my mom. "Hey mom!" I say. "Oh hi sweetie, how's college, my little Bella" she says. " Its good mom. I'm having an great time, and I'm doing great in my English class." Thinking of English class reminded me of Donald.
My mom would be ticked off that we were friends. "Your not drinking right?" My mom asks. Oh god here we go, I might have to snag the truth "No, mom"
" No drugs?"she asks. This I don't have to snag. "No, mom!"I respond quite annoyed. " And no association with ANY association with treblemakers right?" She asks. "Mom, how do you know that they're so bad?" I ask. She gets upset then I can tell she has softened up some. " Baby, just don't get around them, I know it sounds stupid, but they are just players. So no association with any trebles right?" She says. I inwardly sigh and say " No, mom." We say our goodbye and I hang up.

I'm sorry if it stinks, I swear I'm trying. I could use ideas.
It's hard writing in Donald's POV cause I don't think like a guy... Like at all.

Okay, well bye

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