Chapter 20

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Alyssa's POV

    I wake up and get dressed putting my electric yellow jacket over my white tube top and blue high waisted shorts. I slip on my electric yellow high top converses. I tell Donald bye and head for the Bella's rental bus.

    After hours of torture we are finally there. "Yes!" I practically jump out of the bus. We head inside and kind of practice. We are still 4 groups away from performing. I take my jacket off and tie it around my waist. I look in a mirror down the hall and decide that I look pretty good I curled my hair before I left so I think my outfit came together.
     "Okay next up is, the Barden Bella's!" The announcer says. We walk up to the stage and begin our performance. So far we sound amazing. I begin my solo with everyone else dancing in the background while sun this rose and lily rap to Timber

"Cause this is the part of me that you'll never ever ever take away from me. Sticks and stones my break my bones but-" I thought that was pretty good I was kid and clear the whole time. "I am titanium. Shoot me down, but I won't fall I am titanium." We all sing. After we finish we get lots of cheers lastly is the treblemakers. I'm too zoned out to notice each of the songs they sing, but I know that they sing Thrift shop In it. "Okay this years national winner is... The Barden Bella's!!!" We all cheer loudly and I hear dat Amy says "Oh my Aca-gee!" We all laugh I Elam over to whee Donald is seated he picks me up I wrap my legs around him I look into his eyes and he looks into mine. And he kisses me!!!!! Oh my god he's kissing me. I feel sparks fly through my whole body. I jump down and everyone around me cheers. "I'm so excited for you, just know that next year we're totally taking you down." We all laugh and head back to the busses with our trophy. I meet Donald before we leave. "Can I tell you something?" I ask. "Of course!" He says. I lean in to peck his lips. "I love you." I say. I mean it I really like him!! He smiles and says " I love you too!" We kiss again and I say goodbye. On the way back I can only think about Donald.

Next Monday.

I just did my audition I really hope I got the part. We already talked to the school board about funding a Bella house and bus. They are working it out and they will have it settled during the summer. This is my last week in school I'm so excited and nervous to find out if I got the part of I did then Donald is coming with me to Hollywood for the first week, but then spending the rest of his summer with his family. Me and Donald hang out all the time we are like best friend boy friend girlfriend.

Friday (cast list)

I take a deep breath. Right now me and Donald are walking to my English class. The cast list is posted. And today I will figure out if I made it or not. If I did it was worked out that I would leave Monday and spend the summer shooting in Hollywood and the premiere would be the week before college starts back. So if I get the part I will still be able to go to college. We make it to the class room with me holding tightly onto Donald's hand. My hand is sweating like crazy. He said he supports me completely and that makes me crazy happy. I open the door to see the other girls standing by my professor anxiously. "Okay, the lead role goes to... The one... The only.... Alyssa Swanson!!!" He says. Oh my god!!! I got the part I'm going to be in movie!!!! Donald hugs me and we talk with the professor. "Okay, pack your bags. You'll be leaving on Monday. Congrats!" Me and Donald celebrate. For a while in my dorm before heading to the treble house.

We walk into the house to see the trebles and Bella's with a bunch of congrats and thanks. We celebrate.

Monday morning.

"I'm gonna miss you guys so much. I will see you before the end of summer though because you will all be coming to the premiere a week before school!" I say putting my luggage onto the conveyer belt. We all say our goodbyes and me and Donald board the plane.

Hollywood here I come!

Omy God shorter chapter I know, and to make it worse it's the last chapter for this book. I'm starting the next book in a few minutes so don't worry. What do you think will happen over summer? By the way the first chapter of my next book will be written in Alyssa's POV. It will be summarizing her summer and will end at the week of the movie premiere. Okay for one last time for this book I will be signing off with only 900 words!!! Also I would like you to know there will be one more chapter on her telling the name of the book.
Okay good bye my awesome nerds!


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