Chapter 11

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   Alyssa's POV

"We've been at this forever!" Stacie whines. We've been at Bella's practice for 4 hours since 5 o'clock this morning. Since this is such a big deal to get the funding. "Okay, break time grab some light breakfast from the cafeteria. We'll get back to work after you eat, then we will work till 12 after that you guys can go back to your dorm to get changed into your swimsuits for the pool at the treblemakers place!" She says. Me and Fat Amy head to the cafeteria all sweaty. Today I wore a sports bra, with a sorry tank top with matching spandex. I have my black fila's on again today. My hair was French braided. I walk into line with fat Amy when Donald comes up beside me. "I take it you guys are getting ready for semi-finals." He said. "No kidding, Becca has really been pushing our limits lately!" I say. He laughs and walks away. I grab a sausage biscuit and a small bottle of orange juice and go to pay. After eating Fat Amy and I walk back to rehearsals. After 2 and a half hours of torture we head back to our dorms to get changed. Lily wears a. Pink and black bikini and I wear a royal blue swimsuit that bows on the straps of the top piece and on the sides of the bottom. I pull a matching swimsuit cover on and bring some extra clothes and a towel with me.

   We get to the treblemakers house and knock on the door. Jessie opens the door and tells us to go to the backyard where I see each Bella and Treblemaker in the pool or lounging around it. I pull my swimsuit cover over my head and pull my hair into a ponytail. I notice Donald staring at me, he walks over to me and says, "Wow, what a tattoo! I didn't know you had any!" He says. My eyes nearly pop out of my head. I completely forgot about that. Jessie doesn't know about it. I was about to cover it up when Jessie walks outside. "Shoot!" I mutter under my breath. "What's that?!" Jessie yells motioning to my tattoo on my lover back that goes up some on the spine. It's a bunch of stars and wraps around my lower back and goes up a little on my spine. It hurt more than any pain I had ever gone through. "A tattoo." I say matter of factly. I know being a smartelic won't help, but I'm sick of him being in control of me. "Okay, I'm not gonna yell! It's pretty cool actually. But I am going to ask when you got it why you got it why you didn't tell me." He says. He's pretty calm surprisingly. Everyone looks at me expectantly. "Well, a week after the break up I was finally wanting to leave my room. So I went to a tattoo parlor and had this done to represent my freedom from the jerk. I didn't tell you because I knew you'd freak." I say. "Okay fine, fine whatever. What else did you not tell me about that happened last year?" He asks. I think of one thing that I will never Tell him. "Umm... I got a nose ring, but I hated it after a week." I say. That was the truth but there was something else I won't dare to say. After that we all hang out and have a great time. When Jessie wasn't huddling me. Me and Donald would talk. Bumper surprisingly left me alone almost the whole time Except  for a few unnecessary comments. We've been here for about 2 and a half hours and Jessie goes inside with Becca for a while to get out of the sun. I walk to Donald and we start talking about my tattoo "I have one that looks like a skull with swords across it." He says. He shows me it. It's slightly above his ankle. "That's so cool. I bet it hurt." I say. "Really, you have one that traces you hip bone and spine. And you think mine hurt?" He says. We joke around for a few minutes when we're standing by the pool. We playfully push each other when I get lifted up and thrown in the pool. I hold my breath and hit the water. I come up and yell "Donald!" He's practically on the floor laughing. "Not cool!" I say. While I'm in the pool and nobody else is I take the liberty of doing a cartwheel, back flip and Ariel in the water. "Oooh, miss talented I see!" Donald says. "Not really that's almost all I know" I say.

    After a while we just lay out on lawn chairs. Almost everyone was inside except Lily, Fat Amy, Donald, and me. Me and Donald are laying on those pool mats on the pool talking about random things. Amy and Lily are talking to each other. "Okay, well I should go. I have to go to early classes tomorrow. Thank god my theatre class is actually hosting auditions for something I think it's for a play at the community center." I say. I get out of the pool and go inside and get dressed. I walk to my dorm so I can finish my homework.

   Lily hasn't come back yet. Nobody has text me! I have no more homework to do. I'm crazy bored. I get up and go to the auditorium. It's not usually in use so I walk inside to find it empty. I take my lines for the semi-finals out of my bag.

- so I put my hands up they're playing my song the butterfly's fly away. Nodding my head like yeah moving my hips like yeah.

I stop bored out of my mind. I head back to my dorm to see Blake and Lily making out on they're bed. Luckily I took the liberty of  packing an emergency back so when they go at it I can leave. I take my bag and leave. I call Becca. "Hey, so can I like stay with you? Lily and Blake are at it." I say rolling my eyes. She says yeah so I head to her dorm. I lay down on the floor and I don't remember dosing off but I guess I do.

So not the best chapter, but I have a pic on it. Cool?

    So, you fans of Donald must hate me. I hate me. I swear the amazing news of this story is coming. Im trying not to move to slow, but I don't want to skip everything sooooo.... You know.
I would like to thank anyone who's reading for reading. I would love to get some comments and likes. I'm going for 1150 because i was going for 1100 but I went over. Oops did it again. I Guess that I will go to 1200. I'm so tired it's like 12:14!!!! So any ideas on my book. Tell me who you ship. Okay I'm almost done!!!! 1187! I love pitch perfect. 9 left 7 Okay 1200 bye my weirdos, lol!!!!

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