Chapter 13

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   "Okay, wake up sleepyhead today is semi-finals!" Lily says while whacking me with a pillow. I wake up and put my on outfit for the semi-finals. Instead of putting on my heels I put on a pair of uggs. I might as well be comfortable on the way there. I slip on a light jacket. Me and Lily grab our stuff and head to our rental bus. While walking to the bus I see Jessie and Donald talking. "Heyo, how's it going?" I say behind them frightening them. Lily keeps on going. "I'll meet you at the bus!" She says. "Umm, pretty good. How 'bout you." Jessie says. "Oh, well a little stressed. I...uh... Have a solo while dancing and there's a lot riding on this" I say. They nod and Donald says, "Don't worry you'll be great." Jessie glares at him probably thinking I wouldn't notice. I did notice so I step on his foot. "Stop." I say quietly to him. He leaves and I hear, "Come on Alyssa." Becca says to me. "Looks like I gotta go." I say. "Yeah, us too. See you there." He says. I nod, and head to our bus. Fat Amy is driving so I sit in the back and listen to music on my phone.     

    After were about 3/4's of the way there I hear Clhoe start singing party rock anthem. Everyone slowly starts singing along with her, including me. After we sing more songs like headphones, wrecking ball, and blank space. After singing all those songs plus some. We get there and I stretch my legs. By stretching my legs I mean doing the splits and 4 continuous cartwheels. "Wow, that was so cool!" Lily says. I look around and notice the treblemakers are already her and we're watching. Now staring. Thankfully Lily grabbed my bag for me. She hamds it to me and we run into the auditorium building. We go backstage to see 6 out of the 10 groups here already, well plus us and the treblemakers its 8/10. "Okay, let's go farther back so we can rehearse." Clhoe says leading the way.

    We get farther backstage and we start to rehearse. "That was amazing guys! I'm so proud of my awesome weirdos!" Becca says.

   When we get back to the main backstage area the 3/10 group is performing. Our group goes 6th and the treblemakers go 7th. The forth group goes up and they're good, but not amazing. After them was the fifth group. While I'm waiting I walk up to Donald. "Hey, good luck." I say awkwardly. "You too." He says with a wink. His cocky self is starting to come back some. I don't mind as long as he's not playing a bunch of girls. I don't mind because, it means he's being himself.  "Okay for our 6th performer of the night, last years national winners the Barden Bella's!" The announcer person says. Breathe in. Breathe out. I repeat this once or twice before walking on stage. We start performing The Monster, when it starts the rapping part me,Lily, and Becca start singing Party in the USA. Lily singing soprano. Once the rapping part of The Monster is over we all go into a strong chorus of The Monster. It's getting really close to my part. Synthia Rose and Fat Amy start rapping to The monster about half way through the rap they start to fade out. The lights on the stage fade out in the back and brightly circle me. I hear the rest of the girls singing what would be the music.
    "Get to the club in my taxi cab,
Everybody's looking at me now."
I sing not so strong.
  "Like who's that chick rockin kicks
She's gotta be from outta town." I sing with more confidence. Time to start dancing too. "So hard with my girls not around me. It's definitely not a Nashville party." I'm smiling and singing and dancing by now. "Cause all I see are stilettos, I guess I never got the memo.
My tummy turning and I'm feeling kinda homesick. To much pressure and I'm nervous. That's when the dj dropped my favorite tune"I sing proudly. "And the Brittany song was on
And the Brittany song was on.
And the Brittany song was on." The rest of the Bella's join in for that part and we fade back into the last chorus of The Monster. After we finish I smile bigger than I've ever smiled before. Wether we won this or not I still just did a solo in front of hundreds of people!
    The treblemakers go next and they start singing. Scream by usher, then they sing a rapping part of Airplanes. They get lots of cheers like us and we are placed in second. At least we are still qualifying for the finals at Lincoln center. "It's okay that was great, we are going to be working even harder for Nationals!" Becca says. We change into our extra clothes.  I'm wearing a light wash pair of skinny jeans with some sparkly sandals and a yellow and green plaid button up shirt. I head to the bus and see Jessie and Becca yelling at each other. Not wanting to get in the fight I stay out of the 12 foot bubble between me and them. They throw they're arms down and Jessie walks away.

   I'm almost to the bus when I'm stopped by Donald "Hey, you did amazing. Your an awesome singer and awesome dancer!" He says. "Thanks, your an awesome rapper." I say. We walk to our separate busses and I ask Becca what happened. She tells me that Jessie that she was cheating on him with Donald. "What?!" I whisper yell. "Don't worry I'm not, he's just being possessive. He doesn't do this all the time, but lately about since you go here he has been." She says. I say sorry about that and check my phone. I have a text from Donald. "Jessie's all uptight what happened now?" It says. I tell him that him and Becca are fighting. He says lol and that he can't wait for tomorrow I almost forgot I had my date with him tomorrow. "Where are we going?" I ask. He tells me that were going to Olive Garden at 5:30. I tell him okay and I put my phone up.

   After a while I fall asleep laying across the two back seats. "Wake up!" I hear someone yell. It was Lily. I get up and put my hair in a side braid. I walk off the bus without looking where I'm going and run right into Donald. "Oof." I say rubbing my head. "Oh gosh sorry." He says. I tell him it's fine and go back to my dorm and lay down on my bed and fall right back to sleep.

          Donald's POV

Once we get back from the semifinals I head to the treble house. On my way back there I run into Alyssa. She sleepily walks back to her dorm. I laugh to myself. Once I get back to my dorm I find bumper and Jessie yelling. I hear Alyssa's name and decide that I don't care. I go up to my room and go to sleep almost as soon as my head hits the pillow.

      Okay there you go the Semifinals chapter!!! You may have thought it was boring, but I personally loved it because Alyssa faced her fear!!!!

Like I said i hoped you liked it!
I would love some comments.
Maybe ideas.
I would also love it if you could you know tell your friends!!!
This is good practice if I want to become a writer someday.
Okay, well, that's all bye!!!!

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