Chapter 15

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Alyssa's POV

We've been at the mall for an hour and a half. I'm not to happy to be here, but it's taking my mind off of recent events. So far I have gotten my dress for tonight which is a blue dress that is short in the front them fades into a longer dress in the back. I also got some earrings, sparkly clutch bag, and some nude shoes.
Me and Becca walk into Rue 21 and find our Bella's outfit. Everyone except for Fat Amy, Synthia rose, and Lily. Since they rap and do something different. Our outfit is a white tube top with a yellow jacket that will be on our waist or worn loosely around us with navy blue high waisted shorts and electric yellow high top converses. The others are going to be wearing a navy blue jumpsuit with yellow high heels.

Once we are done shopping we take a cab back to Barden. We go to our separate dorms. I take my stuff and Becca takes the stuff for the Finals because she is the group leader. When I hang my dress up I hear my phone go off. 4 o'clock. Already? Wow! I pull out my curling iron and switch from my clothes to a black robe so I don't get my dress dirty getting ready. I set a timer on my phone so I don't run late and get to work.

30 minutes later

After I curl my hair I put on light makeup. I slip out of my robe and put on my dress. I wasn't to sure about it at first, but I really like it. I put in my earrings and my heels and grab my clutch. My phone timer went off 5 minutes ago meaning Donald should be here in five more.

Five minutes later I open the door to a super handsome Donald. He's wearing a green button up shirt underneath a Maroon (no surprise there) blazer and is wearing jeans and black shoes. Not fancy shoes but not tennis shoes. You would think the green and Maroon look bad together, but actually they go really well together. "Shall we.?" He asks. "You're so corny. I say taking his arm in mine.

We laugh on the way there. I almost forget about what's happened today, but not quite. Once we get there we are seated and we talk for a little while before the waitress takes our order. "I would like the Parmesan Alfredo." I say. Donald gets the Shrimp Linguine and the waitress takes off. "So how about that weather?" I say awkwardly. We laugh about it. This date isn't even that awkward. That's good right?

"So are you nervous about the Finals?" He asks me. "Psh... Me no. It's just means me getting to solo for about 5 times more people than last time. And if we blow it like how we got 2nd place last time we're doomed and I will have let down the Bella's. Yeah, quite a bit actually." I say. "Well, you're going to great just like last time." Donald says flirting with me. The waitress comes back with a man each holding a meal. It wasn't that much work to carry two plates was it? The girl hands Donald his food and I notice that she had stuffed her bra because her boobs are bigger than they were. I light to myself and look around awkwardly. The man hands me my food and a napkin placing it face down after they leave I laugh quietly and look at the napkin. It's says call me and has his number one it. "Yeah, no" I say. We both laugh a little then eat our food. My linguine is really good. I love Olive Garden. Once me and Donald finished he pays and we  leave. We walk around the square for a little while because we have nothing better to do. "So Alyssa I know your kind of sad about... Previous events, but I wanted to ask you a question." Donald says. We look into each other's eyes and he says. "Will you so me the honors of being my girlfriend." He asks. Awe that's so sweet and he himself is really sweet. I really like him. "Yes." I say. I wrap my arms around his neck and hug him. He hugs me back and I say. "Thank you for an amazing date." I say. "And for being so wet earlier today." He looks at me and says "Of course, I would do anything for you." Awe, he's so mushy and romantic. "You're so cheesy." I say. We laugh and he says "We should get going. It's getting late." I check my phone it's already 8:15. "Yeah, your right."

    We head back to his car and I start shivering.  Who knew it would get this cold? "Here." Donald says putting his maroon blazer jacket over my shoulders. I smile at him and say "Thanks." I smirk. "Isn't this like your signature color though?" I ask. He smirks back and pulls back his sleeve showing a maroon worst bracelet. "Why yes baby bubble I do." He says. I laugh "Baby bubble?" He looks over at me and smiles. "Yeah, that is your nickname. It suites you." He says. I laugh and we get in the car.

"So, what are your plans for doing break?" He asks. I look down. "Umm... Not sure, I have to catch a flight to New York Friday, I will be back Sunday, but late Sunday night." I say sadly. "Oh, I'm sorry, you know I could come with you if you want cause it doesn't sound like Jessie is going. I'm sorry, but he just seems upset." He says to me. I think about it for a minute. "That would be great, but I promised my mom some alone time with her. You could always babysit my little brother Nick. You probably don't wanna do that though." I say. "Nah, that's fine. Now I can meet your mom and little brother." He says. I'm really excited now. I think about Jessie. What would he say? I'm going to talk to him later about dad. Wether he goes or not I am going to talk to him about it. "Hey, are you staying at the treblemakers house tonight?" I ask. "Yeah, why?" He asks. "I'm gonna talk to Jessie. It's probably a really bad idea, but I need to talk to him." I say. "And I'm probably not going to walk back so I'm going to stay there tonight." I say. "Okay, you sure?" He asks. I nod my head.

We pull up to the treblemakers house. "Crap, I'm still in my dress. I have shorts and a tank top on under it though, can I borrow a jacket?" I ask. He says "Yeah, that's fine I'll go in and grab one." He goes inside and I slip off my dress I have a pair of lime green shorts and a black tank top. I fold up my dress and sit it down in the backseat. I take out my spontaneous earrings and sit them on my dress. I forgot about my heels dang it. I take them off and put them with the dress. Donald comes back with a blue nike jacket, socks, and his black high top converses. I smile. "Thank you, you know for a guy you have great taste." I say. He chuckles. "Who's inside?" I ask. Umm.... Unicycle, bumper, and two other guys. Jessie's upstairs in his room." Be says.

We get out of the car and I prepare for a very long night.

Okay so that was a long chapter too. I've been reading and I already have. An idea for a sequel. I'm so weird. I can't believe this book is almost over. How are you guys liking it so far?
What do you think will happen when they see them come in together? Sorry, but I'm still writing another chapter tonight, so I'm going to 1350. Okay, bye weirdos. 1500 lol!!!!

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