Chapter 14

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    Alyssa's POV

   I wake up at 9:30. Yes! Still time for breakfast!  I see that Lily is gone. Weird. I put on a pair of shorts and a blue crop top that says fearless on it. I wore that because of me facing my fears yesterday. I slip on some purple converses and grab my phone.
    I walk to Starbucks not wanting to eat at the cafeteria. I order cappuccino and drink it on the way out while playing flappy bird on my phone. I have a ton of missed calls from my mom. I gave up answering after a while being mad at them from trying to keep me away from the treblemakers. I look at the time and decide I have nothing to do today. My date is not until 5:30, meaning be ready by 5:15 so Donald can pick me up. I decide on an our to get ready. I set my phone for 4 o'clock pm and I will get ready then. I look down at my phone and see I have a call. It's from Elizabeth, my ex best friend. She and my ex went out and never apologized. Im not sure if she even went to college. I answer anyways. "What do you want?" I spit. "It-it's your dad!" She says out of breath. "What about my dad?" I ask curiously. I walk over to the tree I cried at the day of regionals. "He was hit by a truck!" She says sobbing. "What?! No no no!!!" I say about to break into tears. "Is he okay?!" I ask loudly. She starts to calm down some. "I'm so sorry, your mom was trying to get ahold of you, but you didn't answer." She says. My breathing was getting shaky. My shirt was so wrong. I have so many fears, but I don't care about being fearless anymore. I start pacing while Elizabeth tells me what happened "He was walking down the road to the post office and this big truck came out of nowhere. He was found and taken to the hospital and they tried everything they could. I'm so sorry." She says. I don't want to believe her, but I do. I start crying. I walk back to my dorm not wanting to be out by that tree again. I'm almost to my dorm when I'm stopped. Donald. By now I've already hung up the phone and I'm just crying. This is the worst thing that's ever happened. "What happened?" He asks me. "My-my dad h-he he's gone!" I say still crying. He looks at me sadly and pulls me into a hug. "I'm so sorry, nobody should ever have to go through that." He says. I pull away a little and say "Its okay its not your fault. I just can't believe it." I say sadly. "Do you want to come to my dorm with me till you calm down." He says. I tell him "Yeah thanks." We walk to his dorm which I learn is 10 down from mine. "If you don't mind me asking. What happened?" He asks. I tell him what happened and look down sadly. "He didn't deserve this. I mean we were never that close, but he was a good man." I say. He hugs me and asks if Jessie knows. "Oh my god, no! I know they don't talk, but I still have to tell him." I say.  "Is he in his dorm or is he at the treble house?" I ask. He tells me that he's at the treble house and I thank him and leave.

     I knock on the door and it gets answered by Bumper. "Hey, beautiful." He says I dodge his flirt and him himself. "Where's Jessie?" I say slightly annoyed. "Upstairs." He says. I go up to his room without knocking and run up to hug him. "What's wrong Alyssa?" He asks. "You're crying who did this?" He asks. "It it's dad!" I say. "He was run over by a truck on his way to the post office. I know we don't favor our parents, but he didn't deserve this." I say crying. He looks at me with sympathy and says. "Look Alyssa I'm really sorry, but we just never got along. He never made an effort." He snaps. "What?! I don't care he was your father and you don't care! You know what I should've known you wouldn't care!" I yell and leave. I hear him sigh, but I leave anyways. I slam his door and walk downstairs. All the trebles are sitting in the kitchen staring at me. I probably look awful. With puffy eyes and messed up hair. I sigh and grab my phone of the counter. Not wanting to walk all the way back to my dorm I groan and flop on the couch. I'm not really phased by jus at crashing here I mean my brother crashes here and I'm friends with most of the treblemakers. "Hey are you okay, not to sound like an eavesdropper, but uh you guys were pretty loud." Unicycle says. I cover my face with my hands not wanting to answer because really I'm not okay. I feel awful. "I'll take that as a no." He says backing away. "Here I'll walk you back to your dorm." Donald says. I tell him okay and we head out. I look up at Jessie's room before walking out of the house.
   "It's okay, maybe he's just in shock." Donald say to me. I nod my head a little. "You know if you want we can reschedule our date. I know your kind of sad." He says. "No, it's fine maybe it will help get my mind of the whole you know.... Situation." I say. He smiles. "Okay, well I'll pick you up at 5 if that's okay with you?" He says. "Yeah that's perfect." I tell him. "And if you need anything. Just call." He says. I smile and tell him thanks. I walk into my dorm to see Lily. I tell Lily everything that happened today. She hugs me and says that I didn't deserve this. I tell her that in fine. I call my mom and hear her voice for the first time in a long time. "Oh hello sweetie." She says. "I'm so sorry that I didn't answer!" I say. She tells me it's okay and that we want to host a funeral in one week from today. "I'll do my very best to be there. Okay? I'll get a plane ticket and fly to New York on Friday night and be there Saturday Morning and I can get some mom and Alyssa time in on Saturday." I say. She says "Oh that would be great sweetie. I know you and him didn't get along much, but he loved you and I know you loved him too." I slightly smile to myself. He is in a good place. I know he is. "Okay see you Saturday." I say. I hang up and try to figure a way around Bella's practice. I'm good school wise because luckily it's spring break. I walk to Becca's dorm and tell her what happened. Apparently her and Jessie are still fighting. Maybe that's why he was in such a bad mood. She tells me that if I leave Friday and get back late Sunday night it'll be fine and she can just add some extra practices in the weekend afterwards. "Do you want to get some lunch you've had a long morning?" She asks. I tell her sure and we get a taxi to go to subway. I get a turkey sandwich with mustard, cheese and peppers. I get Doritos and put them on my sandwich it's weird, but I love it. Once we finish I say that I need to go to the mall and ask her if she wants to come with me. She says sure and we go to the mall so I can pick out an outfit for my date. Also were doing to try and find an outfit for The finals. The finals are still about a month and a half away, but we want to pick our outfits ahead of time.

    We get to the mall and we go to the first store. This will not be very fun. The mall has a lot of people, I'm not a very social person. I would go somewhere else, but it's easier to get all my shopping done here. Shopping begins in three... Two... One!!!

    Well, this was supposed to be a chapter about the date, but I was watching a movie and got distractedly and poosh this Happened.
I like it because it gives some real emotion. How do you think the date will go?
How do you think Alyssa's trip to New York will go?

  Anyways I hope you like my book? I'm trying!!!
This chapter was pretty long.

1500 words lol!!!! 😜

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