The pic has nothing to do with the chapter, I just found it cute and since they're still at the Festival......
Sasuke's POV
The couple of bakas couldn't stop laughing at the reaction of the group and neither could Sakura... I on the other had just was smiling while holding Sakura's hand... In public!
"WAIT WAIT WAIT!!! Hinata, Naruto did you know??!!" Kiba asked with flared nostrils.
"Uh huh" was all they managed to get out before cracking up again.
Realizing that they were all messes they immediately arranged themselves. Shino had the most problems since Choji had spit all over him.
"How come they knew??!!" Ino inquired with her high pitched voice.
"Well they kinda... Saw us kissing..." Sakura said, hiding behind my shoulder.
She so cute... I never thought I would feel this type of lo--- likelyness towards another person.....
" Well how long have you guys been dating? " Temari asked.
"Two months... They kept it a secret from all of us for that long!" Naruto said smirking while Hinata buried her face in his chest.
They do make a cute couple... Not as cute as me and Sakura tho...
After an hour of talking about my flower and myself, then going into the topic of Naruto and Hinata.
Ino, Tenten, and Temari... Being the girls they are... Came up with couple names....
"Hmmm how bout Ninata?" - Ino
"Well that's better Haruto..." - Temari
"I dunno it should have an equal amount of their names" - Tenten
They're eyes sparkled all at the same time...
"NaruHina!!! Ooh ooh and SasuSaku!!!!" Temari shouted.
"Geez you girls are such a drag" Shikamaru says with a dull look.
( A/N I'm sooo sry you guys u couldn't resist!!!)
Hinata's POV
Those girls are such goof balls. So apparently I am part of the couple... NaruHina.
Naruto had won me so many prizes, it was hard to walk with all of them. It was quite a sight to see 14 , 18 year old with arms full of teddy bears, ponies, and what not.
Soon the group disbanded, and it was just the two couples walking in silence. I was holding hands with Naruto and I had my head on his shoulder.
Sakura and Sasuke were whispering to each other and Sakura couldn't stop giggling.
"Do you guys wanna go sit down for awhile? It kinda hard to be carrying all of these stuffed animals." Naruto suggested.
We sat down on the grass surrounded by stuffed animals.We sort of made cushions out of the 39 prizes combined. We all laid back and the couples cuddled together.
"You know what Hinata?" Naruto said with a hushed voice.
"Hmmm?" I said looking up at him.
He got real close to my ear and whispered...
"I love you..."
My face flushed red and I couldn't breathe.
We've only been going out a week and he says he loves me!!??? I love him too but I'm not ready to say it!!!!!
"It's okay if you don't say it back... I just wanted to tell you that I love you"
He wiped my bangs out of my face and kissed me.
"Tomorrow is our date... Where are we gonna go?" I said trying not to feel awkward.
"That's for me to know and you to find out" be said playfully, getting up.
He helped me up and Sasuke followed suit, it seems that those two were making out since both of their hair was all messed up.
"But you should dress nice"
We picked up our prizes and us couples split since the boyfriends wanted to walk their girls home. I found it very funny since Sasuke lived on my side of town and Naruto on Sakura's.
We arrived on my front steps and talked for an hour of just nonsense. It was nice.
He turned to look at me and I at him. He grabbed the back of my neck and stroked my cheek. He leaned down our faces inches apart. Our lips barley, BARLEY, touched and then my dad opens the door.
"What are you doing here Naruto? Get in the house Hinata."
"But father--"
"Now please."
"Yes sir...." I gathered my prizes and went inside.
I ran up to my room and saw Naruto just outside the gates...
He looked up in surprise and his face lit up when he saw me.
"Stay there!"
He only nodded.
I ran down to the backyard and went around the house to the front gate. I slipped my hand through the openings and pulled his face forward, straight to my lips and we had an extraordinary kiss.
"I love you too"
Leaving him alone, not letting him respond, I went back to my room and felt content.
I have nothing to say.
Adios ~~~ Ramen

That Summer •NaruHina•
Fanfiction[A/N] UNEDITED!!!! bad grammar, punctuation, etc. I wrote this a really long time ago so please don't be harsh --- The usual Konaha gang had just graduated from Konaha High, and much happens on the night of their graduation. The summer is filled wit...