13. His Apartment

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Naruto's POV

"Eh... Wait here for just a minute Hinata..."

I ran into my apartment and put clothes in the hamper, trash in the trash can, and I made room for her stuff. Then in record time I cleaned up the bathroom. Five minutes later....

"Okay c'mon in hehe" I said opening the door.

"I know it's small but we can always move and we can transfer---"

"Naruto! It's okay... We can stay here... We'll have to face Hiashi some time, so why bother moving. And plus it's easier since we have four years of school ahead of us..." She said with her calming voice.

She wandered around my two room apartment, well three if you count the restroom.

(A/N IDK the real size of his apartment so it might be bigger or smaller... Whatever)

We had hung out here before, but I guess she never really saw, saw how my apartment was. From the kitchen, to my room, then to the restroom she just looked around.

Finally she set her bag on my dresser and sat on my bed.

"Sooo..." I said casually. "What do we do now?"

"Well... It's two in the morning... I guess we should... Sleep..." She said blushing.

"Uh... Well I'm not really that tired... If you're tired you can sleep..."


She exited the room and went into the restroom. I took the opportunity and changed into my black t-shirt and red pj bottoms.

Why were we so awkward around each other? We've kissed and lied down together before... But I guess now that we're sort of living together.... We have to get used to it.

She came out in a purple tank top and yellow pajama capris. Her hair was tied up in a messy bun... She looked flawless.

"You can have the bed I'll sleep on the floor--"

"It's okay Naruto, I'll sleep on the floor you don't have to." She said with her sweet smile.

"No! It's rude to treat a lady that way... I insist..." I didn't want her to sleep on the floor.

Hinata's POV

I didn't want Naruto to sleep on the floor. Even though I offered to sleep on the floor... I didn't want to.

Okay Hinata... Courage! YOU have to be strong! It's just sleep!

"Or... We can both sleep on the bed..." My face was glowing with blush.

I looked up at him and his eyes were wide. I guess he never expected for me to say that.

"Only if your comfortable with it..."

"I am... Really it's okay."

"Okay... You go ahead and lie down, I'm gonna go out on the patio." He said while walking out.

( A/N Yes I know that he has a tiny balcony type thing)

I lied down in the corner and curled up into a ball. Covering myself in the blankets, I took in a deep breath, the scent of Naruto was intoxicating.

I couldn't sleep, so I just layed there in silence. I could hear Naruto on the phone with someone, I was curious to know who he was speaking to.

"UNCLE JIRAYA!" was all I heard him say.

Oh Jiraya...I met him once... A week before graduation, since he couldn't be there at the actual graduation.

Naruto peeked inside and I shut my eyes.

Naruto's POV

"No I can't just leave Konaha with her." I said silently arguing to the man on the other side of the phone.

"Well you know you can always stay at my place in the forest... Even if it's just for a week... You can ya know... Hehe..."

"UNCLE JIRAYA! Stop being that way!" I peeked inside to see if Hinata was okay. She was already asleep.

"What? You know as well as I do that your hormones are gonna be out of control!" The old perv said.

"You're such a pervert! Ya know that Jiraya!"

He made a point, but Hinata is different... Special, I would never do anything to hurt her.

"No no, seriously boy... Just lay low for a week or two and take her to my place... You know where the spare key is."

"Thanks... But we have to be here for Sasuke's birthday since Sakura already made all these crazy plans... We'll leave tomorrow, or later today, and maybe spend a week or two there.... You have food there right?" I asked my uncle.

"Mainly microwavable stuff but you guys can live off that."

Our conversation continued for awhile before I went to lie down. I looked at the beauty before my eyes, laying there. Her hair was out of the bun and loose. She looked so peaceful.

I slowly layed down next to her trying not to move the bed. I layed a good distance away from her, so she wouldn't feel uncomfortable.

"You're not gonna lie closer?" She said with her eyes closed.

She cuddled up next to me and I pulled her into a hug. We fell asleep in each other's arms.


Yay! Okay before questions... Jiraya is from Minato's side (sensei relationship) and the Trio of siblings are from Kushina's (Gaara's red hair).

Adios~~~ Ramen




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