Hinata's POV
Naruto and I had been hiding here at the house of SasuSaku for a week and I felt like we were intruding on their privacy. I mean they are gonna have a baby.
Me and Naruto were laying in bed making out so I decided it was a good time to tell him.
"Mmm... What?" He asked parting from my lips.
"We have to leave... We have to tell Hiashi we're back..." I said.
"Ughh... Why?" He rolled off of me and onto the bed.
"Well don't you think we should give the happy couple their privacy?"
"You're right.... But later... I wanna continue what we were doin' a minute ago.... Hehe"
We finally got up around 11:00am. Went downstairs to eat and go."Ohayo you two... How is baby today?" I asked seeing a bloated Sakura on the couch.
She was bigger than most other eight week pregnant women.
"Pretty good, just tired and hungry."
"Well... Me and Naruto are gonna go pay Hiashi a visit..."
"What? You guys better be careful..." Sasuke emerged from the kitchen with arms full of food for his fiance.
(A/N Yes they are engaged now)
"This is cute... Ur running around for Sakura hehe"
"Well you're gonna understand when you two have a baby one day Naruto" Sasuke said smirking.
My face turned bright red at his comment.
"Well alrighty! Let's eat and then go Naruto."
We walked to my house and knocked on the door.
"Hinata? Oh Hinata! You're back, I've missed you so much!" Hanabi threw herself at me.
"Hinata is that you? Where have you been?" Neji ushered me inside.
Naruto then grabbed my hand and turned to face Neji.
"You.... What are you doing here?! You're not welcome here!"
"If he's not then I'm not... You are going to accept that or you'll never see me again...." I told him, putting his raised first down.
"Hinata...." I heard everyone whisper my name... Even Hiashi.
I grabbed Naruto's hand and pulled him inside, past Neji and Hiashi.
We sat down on the couch and waited for everyone to join us.
"Hinata... Why did you run away?"
"Father, it was a choice that I cannot explain to you... It was my decision, and my decision alone." I said to my father with complete confidence in my voice.
Although inside I was screaming and crying because I was so nervous.
"Sir... I love you daughter with all my heart, I know we haven't even started college yet but...*let's out deep breath*.... I want to marry your daughter." His voice was a little shaky then he squeezed my hand tightly.
"Naruto... You will be allowed to come and visit Hinata two hours a day, Hinata you're grounded until further notice. You can stay for ten more minutes then you will leave understood Naruto?" His voice echoed through the house.
"What? Did you hear wh--"
"I heard you Naruto, now go before I change my mind!" He got up and left to his office.
"You better thank god that he didn't let me kick your sorry ass into next week..." Neji growled through his teeth.
"Do you wanna say that a little louder, because the way I heard it... Me and you are gonna be in laws soon."
"We'll see..." Neji turned and tried to walk off.
"What's that now!?" Naruto was fumed.
"I said 'we'll see' because there's no way in HELL that he would allow someone like you into our family!!! He didn't even give you a verbal consent!!!" He yelled back at my boyfriend.
"ENOUGH!!! Both of you!! Look... I love you Neji like an older brother, and I always will. Naruto, I love you like no other and I promise that I always will. Now if both of you love me then you'll learn to at least tolerate one another... Please... For me?" I put on my most sweetest smile and looked into both of their eyes.
Their looks softened, but then they looked at each other and they turned back to hatred.
"NEJI WOULD YOU PLEASE COME HERE!" Hiashi called from his office.
Hiashi's POV
I would not let a hooligan like Naruto take my daughter from the clan. I tried to spare her from this pain, I tried to break apart this evil creation that would tear apart my plans for her, but now he wants to marry her?
This is absolute madness! I would have to take my family to America sooner than I anticipated. I thought Hanabi could finish high school here... I thought Hinata could attend college with her closest friends....
Now all of this is ruined is because of the Uzumaki boy...
"NEJI WOULD YOU PLEASE COME HERE!!" Neji is the only one that knows of the plans.
"Yes Sir?" He entered.
"We'll have to move in about two weeks... Because of Naruto. I'll have to go with the back up plan. I'll call Harvard University and enroll her." I said picking up the phone.
"But Uncle...."
"Neji I'm sorry about Tenten but you knew this could happen..."
What could happen?!!Dun dun dun!
Adios ~~~ Ramen

That Summer •NaruHina•
Fanfiction[A/N] UNEDITED!!!! bad grammar, punctuation, etc. I wrote this a really long time ago so please don't be harsh --- The usual Konaha gang had just graduated from Konaha High, and much happens on the night of their graduation. The summer is filled wit...