8. Sick Date

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The pic is what Hinata will look like except that the shoulders aren't that exposed and its an actual dress not a kimono...

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Hinata's POV

I woke up in a haze, it was Sunday, I looked at the clock...

12:00 pm

Noon?! It's already noon?! Today is Naruto's and I's real official date! I can't be sleeping in!


The date isn't until 6 calm down.

I ate my brunch and decided to pick out what was gonna wear tonight... Naruto days to dress nice.


I looked all around for that dress... My mom's dress... Where did I put i--- oh.....

There it was where it always is... Hanging in the back of my closet in a plastic cover.

It base color was white, but it had light purple decals and deep purple flowers. It went mid calf on me and was a long, loose sleeve. I decided to add my own flare. A white sash on the waist with my purple pumps... Yes that should do.

I took a shower and got in my casual clothes, a pair of skinny jeans, high tops, and a solid green top.

I felt so uneasy...

Am I really that nervous about the date?

No, no that couldn't be it.


I still couldn't shake that weird feeling... Hmmm.

Just wandering around aimlessly, I had ran into everyone except... Naruto...

Is something wrong?

Curious, I decided to go to his apartment.

Knock Knock

I waited for five minutes... Nothing...

Knock Knock

"Go away!" A groggy voice called on the other side of the door.

"Naruto... Are you ok?"

"OY! Hinata I didn't realize it was you, the door is open..."

This is the first time I'm going into his apartment... Should I be nervous?

Opening the door cautiously, I walked inside to see Naruto wrapped up in blankets and tissues everywhere.

"You're sick? "

"Don't worry Hina I'll be better for our da-- da--- DATE!" he managed to get out while sneezing.

I knew something was wrong..

"No you're sick, it's okay, I'll take care of you lemme go get some things and I'll be back in 30 minutes" I said tucking him in.

Just as I was about to leave he said...

"This is why I love you"

I closed the door and ran to the market. I bought some medicine, soup, candles, and flowers. I already had something planned.

I ran to my house and got my dress, shoes, and everything else I would need for getting ready for my date.

I entered the apartment without warning, only to see Naruto in just his boxers.

"AHH!" I screamed and tried to turn around, dropping everything except for my most prized dress.

"OY! Hinata I'm sorry lemme get dressed" he said still with a sore throat.

"Just get in ur jammies, ur sick" I said with my back still turned as I was gathering the items.

I was probably glowing with how red I was. I honestly didn't mind the sight... It just surprised me.


I cautiously turned around and saw Naruto blushing, as he was covered in blankets.

"Take the medicine Naruto"

He took his medicine and just looked at me.

"I love you Hinata Hyuga, you're so good to me and we've only been going out a week and a half."

"Well you see... Well how long have you liked me.. Like I mean when you realized you like me?" I questioned him.

"A year, I should've noticed you sooner, I'm sorry" he says looking down.

"I should've told you sooner that I loved you since that day you saved me from those boys" I said lifting his face.

He looked shocked, happy, sad at the same time.

"Why so you say these things when I'm sick... I can't kiss you!" He pouted.

It was already three in the afternoon and he had fallen asleep.

I went to work, cleaning his apartment, spreading the flowers around the room and putting candles in place.

He was still asleep, it was five now. I went through his closet and found the shirt I was looking for. It was a t-shirt that had a tie on it, I wanted him to look "nice" but still be comfy.

I laid it out and went to take a shower since I was sweaty from cleaning. After I finished I put my hair in a top bun and put on his robe.

"Naruto wake up"

He turned and his eyes widened when he saw me.

"You look good in that..." He said with a cheeky smile. I blushed.

"J-- just comb your hair and put this on... But stay in here until i say."

I went into the other room and got in my dress, combed my hair, and put on my shoes. I lit the candles and went to get him.

I walked him into the kitchen with my hands covering his eyes.

When I let go he was speechless.

"Today is our date" I said simply.

"Origato Hinata."

I handed him his soup and I ate mine.

We had a wonderful evening, except for Naruto being sick, and we couldn't kiss.

It was nine at night when I left. I guess I looked stunning cuz I got a lot of looks.


Sorry if there isn't a lot of detail, I'm swamped with school.

Adios ~~~ Ramen




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