Hinata's POV
I dragged Naruto up to my room, I was a little mad. I punched him in the arm harder than I did Ino.
"OUCH! What was that for?!"
I pulled him into a passionate kiss then pushed him away.
"Okay... I'm confused... Why--"
"You haven't even asked me to marry you, even though the answer is yes, and you go and tell my FATHER that you wanna marry me!!!!" I shouted at him.
Like magic, out of thin air... A ring appeared in front of my eyes. A beautiful, sparkling turquoise (my birthstone), surrounded by tiny diamonds, on a silver band was shining in front of me.
"Na---Naruto... When--"
"I was gonna propose next week but now... Well let me propose!" He knelt down on one knee.
"Hinata Hyuga, I was an idiot for not noticing you sooner and when I did, I still didn't act. Now that we are together.... Even though it's only been eight weeks... I've realized that you are the only person I want to be with. You are the person I want to spend the rest of my life with and build a family with... So Hinata... Marry me.... Be Mrs. Uzumaki....."
I knelt down to his level. I couldn't contain myself anymore... I began to bawl like a baby.
"I'm gonna be Mrs. Uzumaki!"
"Is that a yes?
"Of course it is you baka!!!"
I kissed and hugged him very tightly. I couldn't believe how happy I was.
"Oh! One sec..."
I ran to my dresser and grabbed an old necklace chain.
"Here" I gave him my hand and he slid the ring on.
"It looks beautiful on you--"
I took the ring off and put it on the chain.
"Hey why did you do that?" He asked.
"I don't want anyone to see the ring yet, so put this on my neck"
He moved my hair to the side and closed the necklace clasp. He hugged me from behind and kissed the back of my neck. It sent shivers down my spine.
"NARUTO TIME IS UP!" Neji called.
We went downstairs and saw Hiashi.
"You're un-grounded, do as you please Hinata... But be home by 8 tonight." He turned and walked away.
"Okay.... Well I'll be home by eight Neji."
Naruto and I walked to Sasuke's and Sakura's house. I hugged onto Naruto's arm and rested my head on his shoulder.
Knock knock
"Ohayo guys... You've been gone for two hours... How did it go?" Sasuke asked.
We walked inside to see Sakura exactly where she was when we left.
"Hey Mama Sakura..."
I pulled the ring off of the chain and slipped it on my left ring finger. Naruto noticed and winked at me. Let's see how long it takes them to notice.
"Did he take it okay, That you two are together forever?" Sakura asked while stuffing her face with a cupcake.
"I dunno... He grounded me and then he un-grounded me and he didn't say anything to Naruto..." I positioned the ring into the light.
"Hmmm..... Well what did y'all say to him?"
"I just... Said some stuff and he didn't explode or seem happy..."
Okay I don't want to tell them but I do!!! Oh I know!!
"Geez my arm hurts..." I stretched my arm out towards Sakura's face and wiggled my hand.
"WHAT IT THAT!!!???" she snatched my hand out of the air.
I think she saw it...
"What? Oh that? That's just my engagement ring.. Nothing big..." I winked at Naruto.
"That's better than mine!" She was in awe.
"Hey!!!" Sasuke seemed offended.
"Well hers has her birthstone... I didn't mean it for real..." She defended herself.
"So lemme get this straight.... You went to your house to get permission to date her... But you got permission to marry her instead??? Now that just seems unreal..." Sasuke said in disbelief.
"Well, that's the thing... We didn't exactly get permission to be wed, but he didn't object to the idea either... With that being said, unless he officially says NO to the idea, then i don't see a reason not to marry the love of my life!" Naruto wrapped me in a hug.
"So... Happy engagement to y'all! Come gimme hugs... I know I'm only eight weeks but gosh I feel like a cow..." Poor Sakura.
We gave hugs and celebrated the day of my engagement.
Naruto walked me home and gave me so many kisses I can't even count that high... At exactly eight o'clock we rang the doorbell.
"Bye Naruto, I love you..."
"I love you too!" Naruto shouted as Neji shut the door.
"You don't have to be so rude to my... Fiance..." I muttered out then dashed upstairs before Neji could yell at me.
I was overjoyed and in complete bliss...
Yay! The official proposal of NaruHina!!!! Geez what's up with Hiashi, eh?
Adios ~~~ Ramen

That Summer •NaruHina•
Fanfiction[A/N] UNEDITED!!!! bad grammar, punctuation, etc. I wrote this a really long time ago so please don't be harsh --- The usual Konaha gang had just graduated from Konaha High, and much happens on the night of their graduation. The summer is filled wit...