Chapter Five: What I really feel

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Mabel's POV:
Man, Dipper and Pacifica sure does hang out alot. Well to be honest, I kinda am jealous, Yes I like my sibling. I mean what's not to like? Duhhh... When he arrived at home I hugged him quickly "Bro!" I said while hugging him "jeez mabel I've only been gone for a short time" He joked "well it feels like forever" he rolled his eyes and looked at me "Whatever. Look I need your help." He said "Sure bro, what is it?" I asked "Tomorrow is pacifica's 18th birthday right?" He said excitedly "Yeah so?" I said "Well her parents planned her a rose themed party eventhough she wants Neon Butterfly Themed party. So... I need your help with your designing skills" it hurts alot, he never planned me like this party before, but to pacifica? "Do you like pacifica?" I asked "What? No! We're just friends and I just want to surprise her" He said "Why plan such a thing? I mean she always have a perfect birthday every year" I said "But do you think she's happy?" He asked "Yes" I answered "No" He denied "What why?" I asked "You wouldn't understand" he said "Yes I will, I'm your sister dummy" he rolled his eyes "whatever do you want to help me or not?" I nodded "Yes I'll help" I said "Great let's get started" he said excitedly. It hurts so much but for him, I'll do anything. We started by cutting butterflies on to a cardboard and colored it like neon and then we placed it on top of the mountain where dipper and pacifica always go. And is pacifica's favourite spot. We started designing and It was beautiful. I made a cake that says 'Happy 18th Birthday Pacifica!' We placed it on our fridge and left a note that says 'Poison Cake: DO NOT EAT IT' and slept through the night


Man what a night, we checked if the cake is still there and wow! Not a scratch Its still in place.

Dipper's POV:
We waited for the party to end the  we waited for pacifica on her window. She escaped with a beautiful white and pink Balloon gown It looks good on her. When we arrived at the mountain, mabel left and we headed straight to the mountain. I blinfolded her And I took the shortcut to the mountain. When I took off the blindfold, she was really surprised "Wow! Thank you dipper" She said while hugging me. "You planned all this for me?" She asked with joy in her eyes "well, yeah. You want a neon butterfly themed debut right? Well, here's one" she giggled and I escorted her to her seat and I went to my chair "Happy Birthday Pacifica" I said while handing her the cake. She blew the candle and I asked her "So what did you wish for?" "Well all my wishes were granted thanks to you" she smiled and I stood up and took the bouqet of rose and I went back to her "may I have this dance? My lady?" I said fancily she giggled and nodded "I would be delited sir." Then I took his hand and danced with the fireflies.

🎶 A million thoughts in my head
Shoulda let my heart keep listening
  Cause uptil now, I've walked the light
I can't decide
What's wrong what's right?
Which way should I go?
If only anyone my heart was telling me
Don't know what I'm feeling
Is this just a dream?
Oh-oh... Yeah...
If only I could read the signs infront of me
I could find a way to who I meant to be...
Oh-oh if only... Yeah...
Am I crazy? Maybe we could hop on
Will you still be with me?
When the magic's all run out
If only anyone my heart was telling me
Don't know what I'm feeling
Is this just a dream?
Oh-oh... If only yeah...
If only... Yeahh
If only... Yeah...
If only...
If only🎶

When the song ended I said the truth... "Pacifica" I said while dancing her "Yeah?" She looked at me in the eye "Pacifica, when I left gravity falls I felt like there is a piece missing in my heart. When I came to your house the first time. When we hugged the first time, that was the start of me liking you but thing got even more hurtful when we moved back with our parents. I missed you alot. When I heard that we were going back here at gravity falls I felt excitement in my chest. Like my heart was going to explode. I was excited to see you. But when I bumped in to you I was flattered that you were infront if me. Pacifica can't you see? I like you" I smiled and kissed her on her hand "Dipper... I like you too" I smiled "But I don't think its just a 'like'... Dipper..." She held my hand "I love you" I said with love in my eyes "I love you too pacifica..." I put my palms on her cheeks and I slowly leaned to her and.....

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