Chapter Seven: Connections...

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Dipper's POV:
I went home after the incident... I walked to the room and lay on my bed, I can't think of anything but pacifica... A teardrop fell on my cheek until I realized that I was already crying...

Mabel's POV:
I walked up to the room and saw dipper laying on his bed, crying. I approached him and asked him what was going on "Hey bro-bro, why are you crying?" He looked at me and wiped his tears "Oh, its nothing I just got something in my eye" I rolled my eyes and say "In your eyes or in your heart?" I said while pointing on his chest. He looked down and I said "That's what I thought, now tell me what happened" He looked at me sadly and say "I don't think me and pacifica will see or talk to each other anymore and its all my fault, I never should've taken her away from her party where the people expect to see her" he said while sobbing I had an idea and quickly took of my phone "Hey dip, You know what? I have a number of pacifica. You two will still have your connections, here's her number 555---" He cutted me off and gave me the 'its pointless look' "mable, even if you give me her number, its pointless" I looked at him confussingly "What? Why?" He continued his sentence "Its pointless because...." He mumbled the last word that I couldn't even understand "Say what?" I asked "I don't have a phone, ok? I don't have time for those you know" I looked at him and gave him the 'are you kidding me' look "dipper... Are you kidding me? You're an eighteen year old guy and you don't have a phone? Are you kidding me?" He looked down and I get something from my closet "What's that?" Dipper asked "Shhhh" I hissed then I found the box. I gave it to dipper immediately "What's this?" He asked "Well, I was gonna give you that on our birthday but since you really need it this time, I think I'm gonna advance my birthday gift to you" He smiled and opened the gift and saw a phone. He hugged me and I hugged him back "Thank you mable" I took of the hug and smiled at him "No problem bro now here's Pacifica's number..." I gave him pacifica's number and he immediately texted her. I left the room as he was using the phone.

Pacifica's POV:
After the incident my parents doubled the guards, I wasn't allowed to ho anywhere but my bedroom, my parents locked me there and then I heard my phone ring. I looked at the caller's ID but it says 'no caller id' I answered it anyways and I heard dipper's sweet voice
"Pacifica?"  He said
I covered my mouth to stop myself from screaming and letting my emotions out then I finally spoke to dipper "Dipper is that you?" I asked mysteriously
"Yes pacifica its me, I got a new phone and mabel gave me your number so that... You know, we could talk more" he said
I blushed so hard that I almost looked like a tomato. My tears of joy cracked and I talked to him "Dipper, I really really want to hug or see you right now" I said sweetly
He giggled and said "Why not put it on facetime?" He suggested
"Good idea" Then I put it on facetime, when I saw dipper's chocolate brown eyes and slightly curly hair, I didn't do nothing but blush and smile and waved 'hi' at him
"Hey pacifica... I-I m-missed, did you missed me?" He asked while he blushes
I blushed as well and say "Ofcourse I missed you dipper, I love you, and you know that right?" I asked while I blush hard
"I know that... Wait are we together now?"
OMG!!! Are they officially bfs and gfs now? Check out in the next chapter

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