[Love ,Kisses ,Alcohol ,Teens ...Lesbo's?]

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[Love ,Kisses ,Alcohol ,Teens ...Lesbo's?]

This is my first ever story =] So I hope you guys like it if you do ill carry it on x please comment


I turned to my locker fiddling with the pictures of my friends stuck on the inside of my locker door. I smiled at the pictures of me and my best friend Sarah , photogenic bitch she was so pretty it seemed like everything worked for her. She was popular that made me popular. I wasn't ugly I guess , chocolate brown hair ,ice blue eyes , Slim with a C cup chest. Put back my books and turned around to see Sarah handing out the invites to the annual truth dare game , the popular people had one every year , she was hosting it at her massive house on Saturday . Today was Friday . She came up to me smiling , my face was serious .

"Did you fuck him." I asked with one eyebrow raised.

"No Harrie ," She said with in an annoyed tone ", He's taking my out on Saturday!" She beamed

" Sarah this is fucking ridiculous ! He's 25 for gods sake you're 16! He's our science teacher !" I was confused as to what made her want to go out with him... Mr Cannon... what's the world coming to !

"He wants me." She smiled biting her lip.

"No Sarah he wants an all access pussy pass ... Something tells me he's not satisfied with the blow jobs you give him after every lesson!" I told her " I mean what if he wants to... you know 'enter though the back yard '" I did quote marks with my hands .

She broke down laughing .

"What you mean up the arse ?!" she was amused by my thought. I rolled my eyes. " No way ! Why would a guy want to do that ! Would he not get pooh on his 'man hood'..." She seriously considered it . "That's what would happen right ?.." I ignored her .

We went to home room for the last period. Our class is very average about seven eight people are extremely nice looking. Sarah and twin brother Seth are two of them . They were both blonde with lovely light grey eyes , perfect features and beyond perfect bodies . Seth was the one every girl wanted... not me , say no more. Id known Seth nearly my hole life. For some reason I only met Sarah five years ago I didn't believe him when he told me he had a twin. Me and Seth used to be best friends ... then he kissed me and it went down hill from there. Our teacher Mr Hanley walked in with a new kid I looked at the tall boys face... no way!

" Hello class ill dismiss you home after I introduce a new student in are class Nathan Camble, I saw him in the heads office office and thought you guys should see him he will be joining us on Monday." Mr Hanley went on..

"Call me Nat." I nearly fell of my chair hearing his sexy voice ! I new by the look on there faces every girl in the room was now horny, that was slightly disturbing.

"Ooh look at sex on legs! I need to invite him to the party ! Look at his body YUM !" Sarah whispered.

"Sarah!" I whispered loudly "That's Nat Camble ! He was a dork in 6th grade then he left I don't know why... He had greasy hair big thick lens glasses and a major drooling problem!"

Sarah's eyes widened "Ok maybe I wont invite him".

Everyone's hand went up to show him around . Shardonnay got chosen ... She was the girl that ruled the school she had every one rapped around her little finger. She was beautiful and smart that's the problem most people made they thought she was dumb... boy were they wrong. She had lovely long light brown hair and she had that nice mixed race skin tone. Her and her 'friends'/ the other cheerleaders were giggling in the corner excited about Nat.

He ran his hand through his hair smiled and left the class room. I didn't realise my mouth was wide open until Courtney , Shardonnays best friend walked past me and pushed my chin up to close my mouth.

"Baby, forget about it. He's mine." She whispered in my ear. She was also not to be messed with ! The bell rang and everyone left.

I walked into the hallway alone it was empty I grabbed my bag from my locker with my Pj's in it so I could find Sarah and give it to her , I was staying over on Saturday after the party. I felt arms around my waist and lips at my neck .

"Hey baby."

"Get off me Seth." I said annoyed . He carried on kissing my neck... it felt kind of good .

"Mm... I've missed you baby." He purred . I struggled against him , he only held me tighter I wiggled around to face him. Why the heck was he doing this? Being near him made me sick , I remembered loving every day I was with him the way he made me feel. He hardly talked to me for two years.

"If you don't get the fuck of me ill hurt you , ok pumpkin." I smiled

"Don't you miss me?" he asked ,I could see it in his eyes it was really a question.

I didn't answer.

"Fuck off Sarah !" He said in a joking tone.

"Suck it Seth !" She yelled back

"Maybe if you weren't my sister!" He beamed sarcastically.

"Haha you're SICK!" she laughed

I kneed him in the balls and he bent over and dropped like a sack of potatoes. "See you at the party," I slammed my locker door ",Baby"...


Sarah and I were sitting in her cream leather seated red convertible with the hood down on are way to her house for the annual truth dare party , the radio was on and we were screaming along to different songs , a tune started playing .

"I remember this song!"

"Yeah teenage dirt bag!" She nodded her head along with the beat looking at me through her huge glasses waiting for the guy to start singing "Her name is noel , I had a dream about her she rings my bell.."

I started to sing along "I got gym class in half an hour oh how she rocks in Keds and tube socks! But she doesn't know who I am ,and she doesn't give a damn about me" then belted together "Cause I'm just a teenage dirt bag baby yeah I'm just a teenage dirt bag baby listen to Iron Maiden baby!" We smiled and pointed to ourselves "with me Ooohoooooo!"

When we got to her house/mansion everyone was already there Seth's friends/ the football team Jet ,Ryan Tom Nick Kade in the living room music playing I could smell alcohol and pizza Jessica-may grabbed the diamond incrusted bottle and placed in the middle everyone sat in a circle Carly grabbed the bottle and span it , the games began !

Carly and Nick did seven minutes in heaven everyone was shocked listening to the loud sighs of pleasure coming from the closet they came out blushing with messy hair doing up there jeans!

Jessica and Ryan lip locked for seventy five seconds... I was supposed to be sixty.

Tom spun the bottle and it landed on Kade since they were both boys we dared them to kiss the for fit was to walk around with there junk hanging out ! They picked the for fit . Sarah was spinning the bottle now and everyone laughed , it landed on Seth! He was making kissing faces at her she through a pillow at him

"You're a sick freak of a brother !" she laughed disgusted

"You know I would have tapped that ass if we weren't related!" He joked winking at her .Tickled by the joke everyone smiled .

"Spin it again Sarah." Kade said raising his eyebrows.

Sarah reached out for the bottle and spun it smiling running her hand through her hair. The bottle ticked around. I looked up out the window. Suddenly people were sniggering .

"Harrie.." Carly giggled

I looked down at the bottle pointing to me...


Authors comment : Comment if you like it and ill right more =) xo

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