[Love ,Kisses ,Alcohol , Teens ... lesbos?]11

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Wow ! Atlanta stared at me with a blank face , then broke out in hysterics ,bending over clapping her hands stumbling at she left the bathroom.

I was woken in the morning by a slight tapping on my window. It rang in my ears. I sat up feeling instant dizziness. I felt like I was suffering from severe motion sickness. This was awful. I got off my bed awkwardly waddling to my window. I looked out and struggled to focus on the figure in the morning light. It was Atlanta.

"Hey Potter you're really a wild child aren't you!" She said at the correct volume for me to hear clearly.

It sounded like she was screaming in my ears. I didn't bother asking her what she was on about, I just threw my house keys from my desk to her out the window, and swiftly flopped back into my bed. The warmth of the covers were soon gone as Atlanta tore them off me. I stared at her seeing in double vision and groaned loudly.

"Ha-ha hangover ! Shame!" she mocked. It was then I realised I couldn't remember much. I knew she had drank more then me and she had no hangover! I looked at her.

"Where's yours ! No fair" I moaned sinking my facing into my pillow.

"I knew you were going to be like this. That's why I came early! Now get your skinny little ass up we have school!" I knew she could tell it was going to take a lot for me to move from this bed. Suddenly her voice switched and became dark " get up or else" raised her eye brow challengingly .

Something told me I didn't want to know that she meant by 'or else' , I got up abruptly , grabbed my towel and ran in the shower. The water felt extremely hot on my cold skin ,I jumped letting out a short sharp scream I started skipping about laughing at the shock. After I was done showering I rapped my towel around me as the remaining splashes of water dribbled down my legs and arms. I went to the sink in search of my tooth bush. I looked up at my mirror .

" AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHH!" I let out a loud ear piecing scream staring at myself in the mirror. My hair. It was black jet black like Atlanta's , even darker if that was possible !

"You saw your hair didn't you ! Classic !" she laughed . This was not funny ! My hair was black... I looked like her , my eyes just brighter. I tried to find my memory of this. Nothing. My breathing slowed. I brushed my teeth and the knots out of my newly black hair. I walked put out my bathroom in a bra and black skinny jeans. The strong smell of coffee surprised my nose.

"Why. Is. My. Hair. Black." I asked Atlanta slowly putting a white hooded jumper on.

" I tried to stop you but you weren't having it. Your lucky you didn't wake up with electric blue , cause that's what you wanted at first" she told me smiling widely. Electric blue? What?

"Huh? What are you talking about? Electric blue my back foot ! Why would that even cross my mind!" I was so confused what was she on about.

" I'll explain later . Here you go ,drink this it will bring you right back to earth !" Atlanta told me handing me a cup full of what I thought was coffee , but I wasn't to sure. She saw my hesitant face. " its black coffee for goodness sake . I didn't spike it if that's what yor're thinking... I could if you want." she grinned. I sipped the coffee. It was strong. It tasted ghastly! I twisted my face. " baby" I watched Atlanta mutter rolling her eyes.

When I had finished the fowl drink I put on Ugg boots, it was getting very cold these days almost November. I made my way to my mirror and picked up my favourite lip gloss and started to apply it.

"Oo that smells so nice!" Atlanta sighed me. "can I borrow some?"

"Er... sure." I went to hand her lip gloss , she walked in front of my face and kissed me fully moving her lips against mine , I was to shocked feel anything else. She pulled away rubbing her lips together. My eyes were ride.

"Thanks, now lets go!" she told me happily ,taking my wrist and pulling out the room. Going to school with this hair was going to be a night mare, I really hope Seth doesn't see me I don't feel like I need that today .

Authors comment: Sorry about the latness , I had like 3 pages worth of writing I'm about to click upload and guess what ...My computer shuts down >:[ ! And like a fool i hadn't saved it. Argh !Im trying to find a set date for me to upload every couple of days i have alot going on these days=) My best friend watt pad name :TomorrowsSorrow is going to be uploading her own story soon its soooo good ! Im kinda angry at the fact i have to re-write everything but oh well ! Thanks to the people supporting me fans ,readers ,commenters and voters you all are so great ! Your comments fuel me to carry on!=D

Comment and vote please =) xoxox

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