[Love ,Kisses ,Alcohol , Teens ... lesbos?]12

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"Thanks, now lets go!" she told me happily ,taking my wrist and pulling out the room. Going to school with this hair was going to be a night mare, I really hope Seth doesn't see me I don't feel like I need that today .

When we arrived at school ,the hallways were surprisingly cold ,Atlanta linked my arm as we walked, I pulled my hood up tucking in my newly black hair . I felt ever so slightly hung over , every sound still rung in my ears. I looked down the hallway and saw Seth standing next to Sarah, she calm and quiet today as she always did. I missed her so much. Seth spotted me. Shit ! I turned my head quickly and headed up the stares, I didn't want him to see me with this hair. I suddenly felt like needed him... badly. I slowed down.

"Harrie?" I heard his angelic voice. I turned around instantly. He jogged towards me smiling. My Seth. I smiled weakly. He stopped in front of me. His hand reached for my face stroking my cheek , I leaned into his touch. His intoxicating fragrance put me at ease.

"Your lips are screaming to be kissed... can I silence them?" he whispered leaning in closer. I started to breathe a bit faster as my heart fluttered.

"Sure" I grinned. His lips touched mine lightly , they were sort of cold .

I guess that was cause today was a very cold day. They soon warmed up as our lips moved together , he tasted so sweet I could do this forever. My tongue traced his soft full lower lip. I moaned quietly into his mouth. My hands slid round his neck and into his hair gently pulling him closer. He put his arms around my waist pressing it to his. This kissing became more heated. I wanted more ! Much more! My hormones started to mess me about again. Playing with my emotions. His hands slid down to my bum. Something started to poke me in the leg. I abruptly broke the kiss remembering where we were.

"We're in school Seth!" I said playfully hitting him on the shoulder smiling. My breathing was slightly rushed.

"So...?" He grinned widely. I knew we were already late for class. That meant detention !

A gust of wind blew down the hallway blowing off my hood! NO! Oh shit ! I looked at Seth's face , his eyes widened. He stepped back. I hid my face with my long sleeve that covered my hand. I could feel blood rushing to my cheeks. He stared at me hair.

"I'm guessing your hair has something to do with Atlanta" he told me. I didn't like that he assumed that ... but I wasn't going to argue , he was sort of right... I guess. I smiled under my hand. " you look very similar to her now you know." was that a compliment?

"Erm... ok" ...

"It looks good on you though ..." he laughed lightly... Ok starting to act like a bit of jerk so I think I'm going to back away slowly.

"Yeah... see you" I told him and started to walk "some other time" I muttered and started to speed walk .

"Wait" I heard his faint voice as I walked into my class.

The class was full already , I was 15 minutes late. I looked around for the last seat, it was next to Sarah. I walked to the seat and Sarah hadn't seen me yet. I moved the chair and she looked up at me , she broke out into a laugh and started banging the table tears leaked from her eyes , she stomped her feet in hysterics. I smiled , just hearing her laugh made me happy. Everyone stared. I sat down. She shifted over slightly, her laugh was quieter now.

"If that will be all Ms McCain !" The teacher firmly said.

Sarah carried on silently mouthing 'sorry' to the teacher. The teacher carried on with the art lesson soon after passing me a detention slip. Great. Sarah sat next to me silently getting on with her drawing . She was great at art . I couldn't help but stare at her hands working away on the paper. She turned her head an looked at me she have me an 'Ok you're a bit weird' look. I smiled openly at her. She turned her head. I was fed up now I needed her to talk to me! I needed to hear her voice again! I ripped a piece of paper and began to write on it 'Sarah , please please speak to me ! I'm so ,so ,so ,so ,so , so sorry for what I said to you . It wasn't called for and I didn't mean it please forgive me , I didn't think that it would have such an effect on you. I love you like you're my own sister. And well I cant stand not being able to talk with you. I know sorry doesn't even cut it but I'm trying anyway I feel like half of me is missing. I love you, and I really hope we can work this out. Harrie x ' I folded up the paper. I hesitated starting to think she might throw it back in my face or show me up. But I had to try. I had to. I handed her the note and she slowly opened it up ...

Authors Comment: Hay hay hay ! =D Whats Up Beautiful people =P Sorry its so Short again:( i hate my computer at the moment. I'm going to try to upload every Sunday or so ;) Its My B-day tomorow ! ! Omg I have like 1,000 reads on the first part ! and 42 fans Thats soo awesome i love you guys! some people might not think its awesome But it really is ! =D xx

Comment and vote please ! =) xoxoxoxox

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