[Love ,Kisses ,Alcohol , Teens ... lesbos?]10

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" We'll carry on some other time baby." Seth whispered so only I could hear. I was counting on that promise. "Right girls I'm out" he kissed my lips quickly and got up. "See you Atlanta." He held his fist out . She fist pounded him and he walked out the door.

"Sorry you didn't get some cause I interrupted !" she yelled after him . We heard him laugh. " So you ready to be shown why I get called a Slag ?" ... No. She took my hand about to bring me down the stairs. I heard keys in my front door. Mom.

"Wait" I told Atlanta " My Mom wont let me, we have school tomorrow remember !"

"Oh yeah , Ill come back for you in half an hour or so ? You can climb the tree near you're window right ?"

"Sweetie you home !? " My mom yelled.

"Yeah... I'm in The kitchen! " I said yelling back dragging Atlanta into the kitchen. My Mom walked into the kitchen and kissed me on the cheek .

"Hey honey who's you're friend?" She asked me.

"Mom this is Atlanta , Atlanta this is Mom. " I said opening the fridge .

"Hey Mom." Atlanta smiled standing up. "I'm going now , later Harrie . Nice to meet you Ms K." Atlanta said slapping my bum slyly, my Mom didn't see.

"Nice to meet you too Atlanta." My Mom waved at her. Atlanta left. "I think I'm going to go straight to bed ,hard day today at work Goodnight sweetie." She stroked my hair and disappeared out the kitchen door. My phone buzzed. Atlanta : I'll be back for you in half an hour you better be ready Potter ! ;) xoxo . I sighed ,I guess this meant dressing up .

Atlanta came back for me about forty minutes later . I climbed out the window into a tree in a dress , fell in a bush and got assisted by no one. I got in the car and sat next to Sam in the back. The streets where lit up by city lights , we went down a road were all the palm trees had bright white lights rapped around them. It was mesmerizing . A big blue flashing sign brightened the sky ,'Neon' the most exclusive club ever ! Red carpets and velvet ropes , the line for it reached around the building. This was going to be a long wait. Atlanta stopped right next to the entrance. The music was so loud we could hear very clearly from outside. We all jumped out.

" Hey James!" She yelled throwing her car keys to the young guy in the red . I assumed he was going to park it for her. "The usual spot please love."

"Sure ." The guy said giving her a smile and a wink.

Jamie linked my arm and Atlanta walked ahead of us , I was expecting us to go wait in the line but of course Atlanta surprised me by walking straight past the line.

"What's up Gary ! How's it going !?" She grinned at the security guard.

"Hey Atlanta , Sam , Jamie who's you're friend!?" The gigantic man said.

"This is Harrie." Sam said in his deep beyond sexy voice. How could he be gay !

I smiled at the security guy named Gary. He waved and opened the rope for all of us to go in. Bright multi coloured lights flashed around the loud dark room, the place was packed with people dancing screaming drinking and laughing. How the hell did we get in here we are only seventeen ! It looked like we were heading to the massive glowing drinks bar. I looked around spotting the V.I.P area . It had modern black leather sofa's ,security guards stood in front of the ropes dividing the two areas. I sat with Jamie at the bar . Atlanta was already knocking back alcohol. She handed me a big glass with a clear blue substance in it ,she smiling encouragingly. I smelled it , the alcohol burned my nose. She had ,had about four of these already and she was still clear thinking.

"Common live a little!" Jamie egged me on.

I knocked it back. An explosion took place inside my body as the liquid pasted! Whoa this was strong yuck ! I blinked about eleven times at that moment. I had never understood why people liked alcohol , fowl substance.

"Can I have like... nine shots!" Jamie yelled to the bar tender over the music. The bar tender did as he was asked and lined them up. Jamie grinned at me and started to knock them back one by one , she burped into the air and laughed uneasily , Atlanta cheered.

"Common Harrie have some fun, but not too much I need someone to drive!" Atlanta grinned getting close to some guy , she started dancing on him, grinding her but on his pelvis , he held her waist ... this was turning into intercourse with clothes on ! I turned around awkwardly only to see Sam doing the robot with two glow sticks in his hand and a whistle in his mouth. I burst out laughing watching him shake his but , all of a sudden I felt the alcohol went straight through me and I had never wanted the toilet so bad in my life. I rushed to the bright blue ladies sign, and went through the door only to bump into a short ginger lady , she gave me a evil look. I stood behind her waiting in the three person queue. I twisted my legs slightly , I was bursting! I heard an uncomfortable sound and turned slightly to see a young lady bent over the sink sticking the end of her tooth bush down her throat , she made a horrid hurling sound trying to vomit. Another two ladies came out of the toilet letting two in . I started to bounce up and down with impatience. Atlanta wobbled into the bathroom clearly drunk.

"Wazzap Potter !" Atlanta shouted. The one remaining person in the queue stared at Atlanta , as she walked into the cubical. "Want some pot Potter?" She whispered giggling , dangling a clear small plastic bag in front of my face.

"What ... no !" I looked at her like she was crazy.

"I have a different drug I think you will like..." She purred stepping closer to me "Actually..." she said her face centimetres from mine " I know you will like it." the alcohol on her breath stunned my face , but strangely I wanted to lean in.

"Well what is it t-" then she kissed me full on , her lips tasted like alcohol ,and to me alcohol had never tasted so good. She pinned me against the wall as her tongue massaged mine. She placed my hands on her but , and at that instant pee started to trickle down my legs and pool on the floor. My stomach swallowed itself with embarrassment . I felt the blood rush to my cheeks making them bright pink. Atlanta stepped back and looked at the floor, my hands started to shake. Wow ! Atlanta stared at me with a blank face , then broke out in hysterics ,bending over clapping her hands stumbling as she left the bathroom.

Authors comment: Sorry about the latness my computer stopped working:( and sorry about the shortness this is all i could write in 30 mins xoxox i shall be posting more =D Comment and vote please x ;) i have 29 fans ! AHH !i have 4 fans that leave me some awesome comment they're soo funny i love the idea's they give me they ROCK ! i love when you guys comment i love to read them even if its completely of the point =)x!

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