[Love ,Kisses ,Alcohol , Teens ... lesbos?]6

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The room was so dark I couldn't see, I turned on the light and that's when I saw It , her pale white body hanging from the ceiling, motionless, lifeless , cold . I couldn't breathe!

"Sarah?" my broken voice whispered...

Five days later

I sat in my room with my guitar in my hand playing random sad music , while I waited for Seth to call me to tell me when I was aloud to see Sarah in the hospital she was fine , apparently I had got there just in time . In my head all I could hear was our argument my wrong over reaction , those heartless hate fill words I threw at her , I watched them hit her like bricks and I carried on. I felt like a murderer with blood on my hands and nothing would wash it off even though she was not dead I had lost her , she didn't talk anymore ... not to anyone she was a mute by choice. Every time I felt like this something ticked over in my brain , she smashed a freaking vase over a girls head ! I mean for Pete's sake talk about far fetched . Luckily Daniela didn't press charges or anything and we didn't get expelled , suspended for three days though. My phone buzzed , I picked it up.

"Hey." Seth's voice sounded empty. He waited for me to reply... I didn't "Sarah doesn't want to see you... Sorry." I knew those words where coming but it still hurt. I felt my personality changing some how all the sun had gone and darkness and rain had taken over. Thunder and lighting flashed brightening up my room for a short sharp moment.

" I felt that coming..." I replied , suddenly I felt like I didn't really care , like she'd never really been my best friend we were to different I guess she was my only friend I felt like I had to change that. Swiftly moving on I said " We have are science thing to do shall I come over tonight?"

"Sure ! , oh an Sarah's coming back tomorrow ... I miss you a lot when you're gone Harrie why is that ?" He asked seriously like it was a real question. I smiled

"See ya Seth." I sighed

"Bye." his voice sounded tired .

I went back to my guitar playing, I changed the rhythm and started to sing random words " My Ex-best friend hates me I want to get run over by a truck , but I cant so I like to use a little word called... Fuck . Fuck you say it if you're angry you say it if you're blind you say it if you're crazy if you've lost you're gosh darn lost you're mind , fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck ,fuck fuck fuck !"

I grabbed my books and shoved them in a bag and slung it over my back , I put on my shoes and walked down the stairs and out into the street the wind blew freezing my face blowing my hair about, the leaves danced around me. The grey sky moaned as the rain poured down on my me it felt like ice adding to the coldness of my skin I didn't bother put a jacket on I didn't bother bring an umbrella the rain soaked my hair and clothes .I walked down the long road to Seth's house . When I got closer to his house I saw him in the window staring at me like I was mad , then he dissapeared and suddenly he was out side him door coming towards me. He was getting drenched the water steamed down his face.

"What are you doing its freezing and its pouring with rain you nut !" His tone like he was questioning my sanity.

"Really I hadn't noticed?" I said sarcastically. He grinned at me and it seemed like it brightened up the hole sky. He hugged me close.

"Aren't you cold?" he looked down into my eyes.

"Not any more..." I whispered staring up into his bright grey eyes, I was lost.

Leaning towards me his warm hand stoked my icy cold cheek and our lips met again , I closed my eyes . The rain fell harder. I felt warm under his touch . His comforting lips parted mine softly . I wanted to melt into him .Seth and I were not girlfriend and boyfriend or even dating , but as he kissed me now I felt like it wasn't possible for us to be anything less then lovers ... when I thought about us two that way it gave me chills horny as hell ! My virginity had been playing on my mind a lot lately I had a feeling it was going to get the better of me. Our lips parted and I slipped into a pout . He chuckled and rested his forehead against mine for a short moment. He took my hand and led me into his house. The sky grumbled and groaned and the rain continued to fall.

He got me a massive blanket and rapped it around me , we sat down next to each other on the floor in his room with our science papers on the short but big table and got on with it ... by it I mean work... sadly .

"I'm confused how are we supposed to get high level's of co2 once that's evaporated?" I sighed putting down my pen. He pointed to the chart on my paper and raised his eye brow. " Oh... shame." I smiled and started writing again. Seth was very smart but chose not to show it.

"Harrie..." Seth said in a thoughtful voice.

I felt my loose bun flop to the opposite side as I looked at him taking a drink from my bottle of water.

"Would you be my girlfriend?"

I nearly spat the water clean out onto the floor I held my hand over my mouth and quickly swallowed and started laughing. I looked at his face. He was serious I stopped laughing instantly.

"Oh Seth I didn't mean to l-"

"Its ok I understand." He interrupted . I thought about me in that position but I didn't think about the good things I thought about everything bad like being the girl everyone talks bad things about cause of jealousy . Girls waiting for me to slip up so they could grab him. The heart ache this could possibly cause me. "I mean I didn't really expect you to say y-"

"I would love to." I interrupted smiling at him. His face lit up . He was beautiful.


I smiled and nodded. "You're ass is mine now bitch!" I winked at him and poked my tongue out. He grinned at me .I moved over and sat on his lap facing him ,I put both arms round his shoulders I kissed him briefly.

Seth McCain was my boyfriend ! What did I just get myself into ?

Authors Comment: =D Im Back ! Im writing now but i thought i'd post this first . Theres alot to come shes going to get a crazy new friend and it will get explicit . So 14+ from now on ! =D You will never guess how old i am ... i dont mean that as in im really old i mean it as in im really young anyways i have 13 fans LOL I know it doesn't sound like alot but i love each and everyone of them !and appreciate every single one of them ! <3 =] Comment and vote please ! =)

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