[Love ,Kisses ,Alcohol , Teens ... lesbos?]9

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" Wee!" I mumbled as if I was on a slide. Atlanta bust out laughing! "Pretty bunny come here." I cooed giggling.

"I see naked people!" Atlanta slurred. We laughed together like there was something actually funny. Atlanta snorted and I jumped. We continue to laugh. Oh. Shit. This was not good.

I stood up and wobbled bending over I was laughing so much. A giant purple carrot crawled over to me , it pulled my jeans down to my knees!

"Pa-ha-ha ," It laughed pointing at my knickers "you're a girl , ha-ha." We laughed sounding like a little kids.

"Ha ha ! Hello purple talking carrot ! That's very naughty." I slurred ,giggling. I tried to walk and immediately dropped flat on my face. "THAT'S NOT VERY NICE BUNNIES !" I yelled touching my nose ,a red substance came out on my hand. I felt dizzy "Whoa... Awesome!"

"YOU ! Your sex is on fire!" Atlanta screamed at the top of her lungs. "Ha you're going to fuck for the first time ! You're going to suck at it !" she laughed.

"Pfft please ! Ill rock!"

"Pfft ! Like hell you will Potter! You need to practice!"

"Ha-ha silly billy ! You cant practice losing your virginity . Billy silly !" I told her.

"Yes you can!" She held her first two fingers up. "With these two babies ! Better known as finger fucking! Or going down on you're self!"

"Um interesting but very stupid!"

"Night , night." she flopped half way over her bean bag and fell straight asleep. I crawled my knees with my pants still down onto her carpet . I lay down and fell into a uncomfortable sleep.

"Harrie wake up!" hands shook me "get up !"

"Mmhm ?"

"Get up! And pull your bloody pants up! Its like three o'clock" she slapped my arse. "Nice ass by the way , very you know... bouncy."

"Thanks I guess." I laughed , I sat up . "Whoa !" the room span rapidly , I felt sick. I closed my eyes quickly. "SHIT ! My Moms going to go crazy !" I started to worry. I was supposed to be with Seth at four ! Shit , shit , shit , shit !

"My Dads butler" she chose her words carefully "called your Mom ,she said its alright you can stay cause we have no school today." Atlanta told me. Few !

"I have to go anyway could you drop me home?"

"Sure doll! Jam , Sam and I are going out tonight , you in ?"

"Course !" Woo !

"That's the spirit !" She laughed. "Lets go ."

When I got home my Mom wasn't in , great ! I ran in the shower , I still felt the slightest dizzy.

I wore a short jeans skirt with a short sleeved top. Seemed like easier access for Seth. My phone buzzed. Seth.

"Hey!" I beamed.

"Listen beautiful , I cant make it until like 7:30 pm." He sounded kind of upset. My world came crashing down and it wouldn't stop burning until it was seven thirty apparently. How did it get from 4 O-bloody-clock to 7-fucking-30 !

"How come?" I struggled to keep my voice even.

"Um... there's something wrong with my Mum." His voice broke. I remembered Seth and Sarah's Mom, are Moms were like best friends but they hardly talk now. I hadn't seen there Mom or Dad for ages ! I wonder what was wrong with her... it sounded bad.

"Are you ok ?" I asked worried now.

"Not really but nothing I can do about it I guess , ill see you later." before I could reply he cut off. Great what was I going to do for 4 and a half hours. I sighed , flopped onto my bed and switched on the TV.

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