this boy

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For months you have been passing this boy while walking to and from school. The first time you really ever noticed him was when he asked for your number. People asked you this a lot. You were one of the more popular girls at your high school. But you weren't really looking for a relationship until you met Cameron. For months twice a day you would pass this boy, you never knew his name, what school he went to, nothing. He always smiled at you when you passed each other, you only started smiling back recently. Sometimes he would say hi but you ignored him because you weren't very nice in the morning so you just kept your mouth shut before you scared him off.

One day he stopped infront of you and just stared at you for a minute. You admired his face, you never realized how cute he was until now. "Hey, I'm Cameron, what's your name?" The boy asked.
"Um, I'm Y/N, nice to meet you" you reply blushing.
" so I wondered if I could get your number, because I thought you were mad beautiful and I Wanted to get to know you a little better" Cameron asks smiling.
"Definitely" you tell him.

You exchange numbers and get on your way to school.

The whole day at school you just couldn't get your mind off of this boy. The way his perfect teeth would show every time he smiled, and the way you could see his the joy in his eyes when he talked to you. You really liked him, his personality (from what you could tell) was drowning with happiness. His looks were just a bonus.

When you got home from school you immediately texted Cameron:

C= Cameron
Y= Y/N

Y- hey(;
C- hello(:
Y- so how was your day at school?
C- great knowing I got your number, beautiful.
Y- omg that's so sweet thank you. 😊
C- No problem, princess
Y- So I was wondering if you wanted to maybe hang out, I have this cool ass tree house we could be in.😂 My parents have friends coming over so I will be kind of lonely.
C- Yeah of course babygirl😋
Y- Okay yeah come whenever you want my address is: Y/A
C- Be right there(:
                        10 min later

Cameron arrives at your house. You guys eat dinner with your parents and their friends and then. You scurry to the treehouse.

In the treehouse you guys hang out for what seems like hours, getting to know each other, you really liked this boy. You just could feel it.

After a while Cameron suggested playing 20 questions. You guys played that for about an hour. Before it started getting cold, you lay down on the blanket that was laying on the ground.
Cameron followed after you. He lay down next to you. You turned on to your side so you could see his face.
You were so close you could feel his warm breath on your neck. You stared into his eyes, those beautiful, perfect eyes. You could feel him leaning in, you started to as well. He cupped your face to deepen the kiss. You suddenly felt Cameron soft plump lips on yours. You deepened the kiss even more by sitting up. You stayed in the uncomfortable position for a while. Soon enough you were on top of Cameron and your hands trailing up his shirt, feeling every muscle of his body tense under your touch.

He added tongue into the kiss. Adding more passion with each breathe he took in.

He ripped off your shirt. And every other piece of clothing you had covering your body. You did the same with him.

---you can guess what happens next---

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