Chapter 1

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Chapter 1:

: Hermione

I glanced over at Ron and Harry. "Hey guys"

"Hey Herm" Harry grinned at me. Rolling my eyes I sighed softly. I had no clue where the nickname came from but all of a sudden he was calling me Herm. At first I didn't mind it that much now it was getting annoying.

"So uh-did you find out who head boy is?" Ron asked curiously.

I shook my head. "I tried to talk to Professor McGonagall about it but she was to busy" I glanced down at my plate of untouched food. "Did you see they have a portrait of-"

"Ten points from Griffindor!" I glanced up at Professor Snape as he breezed past us his robes fluttering behind him.

"Well its safe to say he hasn't changed" Ron grumbled with a dark look.

"How did he bloody well survive?" Neville asked in a whispered. "I thought you guys said-"

"I know" Harry muttered in confusion. " We all did" He glanced from me to Ron who was shoveling food into his face."We did see it right?" He asked curiously after a moment.

After the fight Harry had admitted to things that were missing from his thoughts, pieces just gone and maybe for the better. Like his owl he forgot all about his death and not wishing to see him go through the grief again Ron and I quickly came up that he had released him before the war broke out because he wanted him somewhere safe.

He remembered Dobby the house elf and how Le Strange had been the one who caused his death. He didn't remember saving me from Malfoy manner.

"Yes" I nodded to him with a smile Ron not having realized just how bad it got for him some days. For the most part he would play along then come back to me for help remembering. "Maybe you should go flying later"

He thought on it and nodded as Ginny slipped next to him. "hello darling" He grinned at her and kissed her cheek.

"Hey Herm" Ginny winked at me playfully and glancing at Ron before leaning over the table and slapping him up side the head. "Jez slow down pig"

"But its so good!" he whined. "Hermione!"

Rolling my eyes I smiled softly at him. "Ron I cant help you there it is kind of gross" I admitted while reaching over and brushing crumbs from his cheek. "You eat as if you haven't in days"

"We ate three hours ago" Ginny stated dryly.

"Anyway" Neville began while glancing over at Luna. "I and Luna are-" he paused and blushed. "engaged"

Gasping Ginny and I looked over at Luna. "No way!"

He grinned sheepishly and nodded. "Yes, we wanted to wait till we got to school to tell of you sense you'd be all together"

"You know that's just great" Ginny grinned.

"Yea" I nodded.

"I'm glad you guys agree sense I know she's not a Griffindor" He looked down at his food.

"After the war honestly I can say houses don't matter much to me" I admitted.

"They mean a lot to me-" Ron began. "but she comes from a good house" He let out through big bites.

"Students" I jumped at the sound of McGonagall's voice broke through the chatter like a knife through butter. "Now because of the late events of the previous year" She began once everyone quieted. "This year's circular activities will be that of last years.  And because of the test of strength, stealth, bravery, and among other traits it is the first time in the history of Hogwarts that we will be-" she paused and glanced over the teachers. "that we will be bringing out the sorting hat and going through every class year."

In the Den of Snakes * Harry Potter Fanfic *Where stories live. Discover now