Chapter 13

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Chapter 13
:Professor Snape

"Severus you can't mean-" McGonagall gasped as she looked at the pile of Grangers clothes on the floor.

Pure terror and fear shown in her wrinkled face as she looked at me accusingly. Here we go. That look in her eyes, the pure fury reminding me of  a wild lioness ready to pounce.

"Yes" I let out with a nod. I couldn't deny it when it was the truth. She was gone and as soon as the house elf carried the parchment letting her know she was here within seconds.

"You didn't!"she cried out in dismay. "Tell me you didn't please!" She pleaded out desperately. Reminding me very well how she was so attached to her cubs. Her prized little cub... Hermione Granger. That insufferable know it all.

"I did not!" I roared. "I swore that after that time I would never do it again" I added softer this time as she frowned at me with tears in her eyes.

"Then who?" She whispered as she picked up her prized Cubs shirt and began to fold her clothes into a neat pile. "Tell me I demand to know who!"

"I don't know, by the time I got to her she was gone in a swirl Minerva" I stated. "There was nothing I could do to stop it"

"Is there a way to bring her back?" She demanded in a shaky voice.

I walked over and pored her a fire whisky and offered it to her. She took it with a trembling hand and knocked it back.

"Yes but it will take a while" I answered slowly. Though I feared just where the girl had been sent. There where many places to be sent and I prayed it was somewhere safe enough for her.

Groaning I ran my hand through my hair and rubbed the bridge of my nose.

"I demand you bring her back!" She snarled. "And the one who did this! I want his-their-" she turned red in the face. "You need to check out Mr. Weasly!" She wheeled around and stormed out looking like a royal lioness on the prowl for her next prey.

I frowned after her. "Weasly?" I let out to the empty space she had been.

Minutes went by as I stood there looking. My eyes locked on the empty place she had been occupying. Her clothes folded in a pile next to the cauldron.

Frowning I went to my desk and pulled out the one thing I swore never to look at again. Not after that day. I remembered vividly every second of it. And here I was again as I broke the seal and turned to the page. My eyes ran over it.

The tanned paper was blotted with ink spots my scribbled notes and equations. The potion was there, each step perfected. The counter potion to it. The cure to the curse.

I smoothed my hand over it as I sighed softly.

Never in all my life would I had thought that I'd have to use it. I wouldn't be going back to bring it back. There was no point it was out of my reach and had been after Lily had passed away, along with that bastard Potter. I was going to use this for her, Hermione didn't belong there. Didn't belong in that world.

Prolonged exposure lead to many negative results and I had a month to get this potion made to bring her back before it would be next to impossible to bring her back to reality.

Being in another dimension twisted reality and proved that if you stay locked in it for to long you won't be able to tell the difference. Such is how Alice and Wonderland came about. The hatter once was a wizard who stumbled onto it and couldn't get out and soon was engulfed in madness unable to return.

But Hermione was strong she did after all do great things at such a young age and had survived maybe she would survive this as well.


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