Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

: Hermione

Groaning I rubbed my nose and sneezed. "Bloody hell!" I hissed in annoyance.

"Something wrong" I glanced up at Malfoy who strolled out of his room fixing his robes. Like usual his hair was slicked back.

Sneezing again I groaned softly and rubbed my nose and curled closer into the seat. "Sick"

"You where fine just a few minutes ago" He noted with a curious look in his eyes. Walking forward he touched my forehead. "Burning up"

Groaning I glanced up at him. "you know you just willingly touched me" I giggled and sneezed again. Hugging myself I shivered and curled closer into the chair for warmth.

"Your sick"

"I said that" I pointed out with a soft cough a shiver ran through me and I whined softly.

Stepping back he sighed and snapped his fingers and a house elf appeared by him. "Yes Master Malfoy?"

"Bring me and Ms. Granger food, soup for her with wine. I want a green apple with my meal and cider" he instructed.

"Aren't you going down for dinner?"

He shook his head and turned and went to his room and came back a second later with a thick quilt. tucking me in he took a seat in front of the fire place and with a flick of his wand it turned on. "no" he answered simply and glanced at me. "Get some rest"

"I took medicine"


I nodded and yawned softly. "didn't want to go to the infirmary" I snuggled into the couch. "Hate it there" Coughing I nestled into the chair.

"Move to the sofa"

"no" I curled into myself more and shivered. "Warm"



"know it all" he shot back.

I grinned. "Ferret"

"That was only once" he grumbled and I pried my eyes open and seen him shudder.

"I like ferrets they are so cute"

He shot me a dirty look.

"Master I brought the food" The house elf appeared with a floating tray beside him.

"Good place it there by the chair"

Nodding the elf moved it and looked at him.

"That will be all for now"

Nodding the elf was gone.

"come on sit up you got to eat" sitting up slowly I groaned softly and felt like someone ran me over. I was sore and stiff my stomach in knots.

Coughing I glanced over the food and eyed the soup before yawning and curling back up into the couch.

"Come on you need to eat"

"I will" I muttered.

"You know you need to eat" he pointed out.

Scowling I sat up and fixed the blanket shivering as I eyed the food and moved a little closer. Yawning softly I wen to grab the food and pouted when his pale hands grabbed my bowl and moved it. "What are you-"

"O hush" He placed it in front of me with the spoon and the bread beside it.

"can I have the salt and pepper?"

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