Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

: Hermione

"How about a quidditch game" I muttered as I drummed my nails over the table.

"No" he shook his head. "that wont do"

"how about a treasure hunt"

He made a face. "What would the prize be?"

I blinked. "I forgot about that what's the budget?"

" 200 galleon's"

"Well we can give them-" I thought on it. " 10 Galleon's "

"Okay that sounds good" He wrote it down neatly. "What would they be looking for per say?"

"Well we can do easy starter ones, around here and Hoggsmead, and harder ones we can ask Professor McGonagall to help us think of things."

"Okay" He nodded. "Why?"

"A point system" I glanced over at the fire. "We can make a list of 200 things and make a point system each thing a certain amount of point's once all is tallied in we will find the winner"

"What about the second and third place."

I made a face. "blasted it all" I groaned. "um well second place can get 5 galleon's and third we can get a gift card for butter beer"


I nodded. "its good everyone here loves it" I cracked my knuckles having realized I didn't have to write anything down. "How about a bonus?"

His eyes sparked. "What kind"

"We will need Professor Snape to help us with that one. This one will be something no one will want to really do but the points will be off the charts."

"What do you have in mind" His eyes narrowed.

"they make a potion on point to his standards of his choice" I smirked.

"you know you'd win hands down"

"He will pick for each person. He doesn't really like me Malfoy I'm sure he would pick one even I wouldn't know" I answered with a yawn my eyes lingered over to the clock. "We need to think of another one that helps-helps everyone get acquainted with each other. I mean we already have a week off because of it,"

"your right" he nodded. "I mean I hate to say it but bullying here has gotten worst sense we have all been switched."

"no ones bullied me"

"Of course not your a Slytherin now even if you are a Mudblood people wont say much besides a few" he muttered the word mudblood low enough for me to barley hear it.

"Whats changed" He glanced at me and looked curiously. "Was it my punch a couple years back because your acting loopy"

"that was a good punch to" he noted but shook his head. "I don't know, after everything-" he sighed. "After Potter saved me and begged for my father to not get locked up I don't know he hasn't been breathing down my neck to act like a Malfoy anymore then again he barley looks at me he stays in his study drinking fire whisky and eating whatever is in view"


He nodded. "And your a Slytherin" He added to smooth it over.

Rolling my eyes I sat back and rubbed my face. "We need to make up a fake Holiday"

"What for? Why"

"Muggles" I stated. "we do it to bring people together. Like Grandparents day, Second Child day, Pizza day. Silly things really. We need to come up with something that will make them all bond and become friends to stop the bullying within the houses"

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