Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

: Hermione

Yawning I slipped out of bed and grabbed my cloak and walked out to the living room and to the door opening it I stepped out and stretched my eyes trailed down the hall and it was black with no light anywhere.

"up late" Yelping I looked over at the picture.

"God Fred did you really have to?" I demanded my hand on my wand. "What are you doing up?"

"sleeping is boring" he answered. "Plus I had a nap earlier"

"O well get to sleep" I turned down the hall and started walking. "Lumo's" I whispered as I held out my wand creating just enough light for me to see.

Rubbing my eyes I yawned softly as I made it down three flights of stairs before pausing and checking down the hall before going down one more flight of stairs.  Checking down the hall I paused. "All students should be in their common rooms" I let out causing the couple to jerk apart and look over at me with a startled look. "O my god-Ginny!" I glared at her and over at Seamus . "What are you doing?!"

"Its not what it looks like!" She rushed.

"NOT what is looks like?!" I looked between them. "You've been ragging on Harry this whole time and for what?!" I demanded. "To cheat on him?! You are just like your brother!" I glared at her then looked at Seamus. "And you!" I pointed my wand at him. "I cant believe you would do that to Seamus. I cant believe you would betray his trust"

"Hermione-" Seamus looked down. "I've been asking her to tell him-she wont"

I blinked.

"of course I wouldn't he's the boy who lived, he's the one who killed Voldemort" She snuffed causing him to gasp.

"You said you loved me!"

"I said I loved Harry as well" she shrugged and crossed her arms over her chest and glared at me. "Your not any better then me laying with the snakes" She sneered at me.

"I may be in a den of snakes but I've never cheated" I glared at them.

"I cant believe you" Seamus let out. "I'm telling Harry tonight! I cant believe your such a fowl little git"

"To your rooms now!" I ordered.

Glaring at me Ginny sent Seamus a dark look. "You cant tell Harry"

"I can and I will. I have to. I wasn't going to till you told him because you said you wanted to be the one. But I cant keep lying to my bestfriend. He needs to know what a liar you are" He answered before turning and stalking away.

Blinking she gaped after him and stormed in the same direction.

"Ms. Granger what are you doing out of bed" Jumping I  looked over at Professor Snape.

"Walking the halls?"

"Its after curfew you should be in bed" He stated.

"Well I was making sure no one else was out of bed which I just sent Ginny and Seamus back to their rooms" I answered.

"I gave you a sleeping drought"

I nodded. "Thank you sir but it seems as if it didn't work or I didn't take enough because I did take the right amount" I noted with a frown.

"I made it lighter as you are smaller then me"

"O" I nodded. "Well it didn't work well" I shrugged. "I must continue to look around" I started to walk away.

In the Den of Snakes * Harry Potter Fanfic *Where stories live. Discover now