Chapter Seven

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Chapter Seven: Iris POV

"This is incredible!" I yelled over the rush of the water beneath us. A thin metal bridge divided us from below the raging river.

Part of me feared for my life, the other part was amazed.

Amazed that no one had ever found this, and amazed that North had even taken me here. Amazed that I had even agreed to get on the bridge after he had shown me.

However, as amazed as I was, I was still scared, and that terrified part of me made me grab hold of the most secure looking thing around. Which would be North.

North's eyes seemed to soak everything in, not transfixed on one thing. There was no fear in his eyes, his body standing tall and not afraid of dying. Even though we could easily slip and fall down, he seemed to ignore this.

For these reasons, my hand was firmly clasped around his. So firmly that it was very possible that it was cutting off his circulation. But he didn't comment. Not when I grabbed his hand, and not when I squeezed for dear life.

North stayed his normal silent self and absorbed in the world around him. His free hand was in his pocket, and his hair blew in every which way because of the wind.

Lights shimmered from the city across the river, and the mini-waterfall was lit up dimly by flood lights. With the limiting light, I was still able to see the blue, almost grey of North's eyes. Realizing that I was probably staring, I looked elsewhere.

Unexpetingly, North began sitting down. His hand tugged mine as he sat. Fearing that I would slip, I sat down with him.

"Are you nuts?" I shouted at him.

He just smirked at me. At this point I was shaking in fear. There was no rail on this side of the bridge, and our legs just dangled over the river.

I felt North's hand that was holding mine, give a squeeze, and I looked at him. However, his eyes remained on elsewhere.

"North, I don't think this is such a good idea.." I said. The river seemed to be much closer now that we were sitting, and multiple scenrios began running through my head. All of which were bad.

North gently breathed out, and looked at me.

"What?" I asked worried.

"Just lean back."

I looked behind me, hesitantly. It didn't look like any better of an idea. Before I could refuse, North had already laid back.

Letting out a huff, I leaned back. At first I was still scared, but the panic floated away after a while. Being on my back made me feel like I wasn't going anywhere. I could see all the stars, and the river still roared beneath me.

"Do you know anything about constellations?" North asked.


"Tell me some," he said barely above a whisper. Because he was right next to me, I could hear him above the river.

I pointed up at the sky, "You see that one right there?"

"The group of three?"

"No, the one beside it."


I moved my hand along the star form as best as I could, "That's the big dipper."

North didn't answer so I took it as my go ahead to keep talking.

"Then the little dipper is further up and in the opposite direction. My mom taught me those. She knows more than I know. You could probably ask her if you wanted to know more, she likes to talk about them.- Hey North?" I grew curious.

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