Chapter Three

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Chapter Three: Iris POV

"North, get up. I'm leaving for school in five," I shook his limp body.

At first he remained unmoved but he soon made a sound of annoyance, letting me know he was awake.

His hand reached out and gently slapped me away, mumbling, "Buzz off."

"Seriously, I'm not being late because of you. Get up."

I ripped the sheets off his body, trying to give him more a motive to get up but felt myself blush when I realized he was only wearing boxers.

"Jesus christ," he sat up, looking peeved, "I'm up."

My temper flared and I scrunched my forehead in anger.

"Hurry up and get ready," I said on my way out.

When my mom said that someone was moving in, I hadn't pictured it being close to a delinquent like North.

The moment I found out the persons name, of course I tried to find out as much as I could. My parents had zero information on him other than he needed a home and had a rough situation before.

After asking around, I easily learned some not-so-nice things about North.

He was a partyier. He was a smoker. He had no respect for laws.

The girls I asked claimed he never did relationships. The guys I asked said he didn't do human interaction period.

There was always some empty spots though. Nobody knew what he did, or what he was ever thinking. They said half the student body thought he was a student cop until he got caught by a cop for underage drinking.

He was unpredictable and unsocial. A misanthrope.

And now this kids living under my roof.


"Are we leaving or can I go back to bed?"

North wore an agitated glare on his face, waiting for my answer.

"No, we're leaving. Are you really going to wear that though?" I looked him up and down.

He had on corduroy khakis with a t-shirt. An outfit too formal, and too weird for my school to not ostracize him.

Instead of even answering me, North walked out my front door and waited outside my car for me.

"Alrighty then," I murmured to myself.

Once at the car I explained to North that my school was pretty easy to find one's way around.

"...and basically the hallways-are you even listening to me," I asked him after about five minutes of me drowning on.

His face was turned towards the window and he was staring out it.

"North!" I yelled pissed.

This got his attention, and he fixed his bright blue eyes on me in a blank stare.

"Are you even listening?" I repeated myself.

He shrugged his shoulders and went back to staring out the window.

Fine. Don't talk. See if I care.

One thing about me is that I can't stand silence. And the fact that my radio had broken a week ago and I was sitting in a silent car with North really wasn't working out.

"Nothing out that window can be that important," I finally cracked.

I swear, out of the corner of my eyes, I saw a smile tug at the edge of his lips.

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