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Where there is potential for the greatest immortral love there is also the undying potential for the greatest pain. Our relationships includes the tremendously exciting mixture of both.

Equal scoops of some vanilla flavored love and some bitter scoops of pain on our fates.
Sometime this pain spoils all our taste of love but sometimes it doesn't.

I know, I know, you don't want this to be true. None of us do.
No part of me wants this to be true either but see where we all stand today?
In midst of our skin cracking with love and pain.

We all want the sweet taste of love without the sorness of the pain icing it. We want heart throbbing bliss without any inevitable breakdown. But it isn't possible.

Now is it?
No,definitely no
Because this is how it all works , in fact this is how it is supposed to work.
Pain and love
Love and healing
Healing and scars
Scars and stains
They all are definitely nothing but something so complexly interrelated that the amazement of thier existence is itself wounds to our inner self.

Why again?

Because both love and pain exist WITHIN US.
Sometimes we need to find ourselves in it,sometimes we need to fall only to find the thing we always cherished.
This pain and love both within us resite thier potential for each other at entirely different levels.

Yet they are so interdependent on each other that no darkness can ever destroy their bond.
Because obviously, what is within us is going to reveal itself up in front of us, so is with our relationship.
It is of course comprised of up's and down's sometimes, unbalanced but then who cares?
Until we are heavily drunk with that charming love.

This all is not more specifically, with mine but with everyone's relationship .
I am no unique favorite creature of mother earth, showering up all rare blessings and curses on me
But I am the same, just like one of you.
The same pain and love sprinting in my veins is common in yours too.
It is all within all of us.
And it will definitely show itself to you , one destined day.
Blood may run stale but it is always what shelters you at end..
So trust it.
There's a deamon inside everyone, a sinner in each one of us.
But the love would never let you down if it's strong enough.
The residents inside our dark soul, the small shimmering lights would surely erupte because the burning sensation thier brightness develops will definitely need escape out , some or the other passing time.

All you gotta do is wait.
Wait but don't lose it in yourself and in your love.
This simply means that the unresolved issues and worries that are permanent resident inside you are going to come to the surface in our most intimate relationships.

In fact, it's supposed to happen this way. Because what does not come to the surface can't be healed. We have to look our demons in the eye if we want to scare them not the way round.
It's time when we see the fall as the beginning instead of visualizing it as your utter sour end.
It's time we treat pain more equally as we treat love.
It's time we shift our perception a bit... what if we understood and accepted that discomfort is part of the frosting on our sweet cake.
We carve the cake so bad that no matter what , the stinging icing would never affect us.
That is when we find ourselves , unlocking up our own thick hollow shells coveting in our sheltering numb skin.

Now if you realize and accept each others every single small fear as your strength, you have crossed, jumped the highest hurdle of your relationship.
Try and accept each others mistakes as hard thorns attached to the most beautiful flower.
If you want to smell the scent of your flower, the thorns are inevitable.
Then why not love them equally?
It's a part of your own dreaded soul, trying to escape out of the sliver chains you have encapsulated it in.
Now tell me if it isn't true?
We are not what we want but we are busy hiding our true selves from each other but why?
To subside the pain?
To make it turn back.
Well maybe you win here, maybe the pain turns back but always remember it never leaves, but it waits .
Waits for you to tear your skin more fiercely apart.
What it brings along is more pain and more terrible one.
Standing on your feet's , stand high and accept it the first time it knocks your door with a crown on your head.
Blow your hair off your mind and smile on its arrival so when it leaves , it has no audacity to haunt you ever again.

Solve your problems with your mate, solve them to cross the hurtful stage of your relationship with an smiling face , hands fixed at adjusting the crown not yours but your mate's.
Adjust their crown well so when your falls off , they can shift thier to yours.

Beacuse once you give up, you give up on the person you not only gave up on the pain but also on your love.
So sleep your pain off , make it your nightmare in a dream rather than turning your love into one.

And when you do, you survive your relationship.

You can say that all feelings are categorized as either love or fear. Now here ,if i state the obvious, love feels breathtaking when fear and pain obviously does not.
All we need to do , is to keep eyes wide open all the time and see through each others pain.
To grow up in our relationship.
And To grow simply means we transform our deadliest experiences of fear into brilliantly magical experiences of shimmering mortral love.

To fight through the thick curtains of pain , only to fill your face with high intensity bright light covering your soul.


Dedicated to all those people who survived high times in thier relationshios but at last , the glorious triumphs calls out.
And I bet this time , you are happy seeing your brave past, as to how you fought the terrible pain with the power of your love.
Stay loved always.



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