Our Coffee Routine

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"Morning El." That's what you called me. El. I rub my eyes, opening them half. Blinking away sleep, I see you smiling down at me. Shirtless. There you stood poking your finger on my cheek as I yawn.

Waking me up with two coffee mugs ready in your hand. Empty?
Yeah. Because you didn't know how to make coffee. I smile. My lazy sleepy smile. I sit on our bed, half of my body still tangled in our sheets.
You sit beside me smiling and looking absolutely breathtaking.
I lower down my head, unknowingly, craving your scent. Our foreheads touch, my hands on your bare toned chest, our nose resting and my lips shiver as I hear you intake a sharp breath.

"Oh El." You whisper my name as a Bible when you seal it with a kiss just near my lips. Too close.

Entwining our breathes as our nose touches. Bedsheets still entangled in my legs. I struggle to sit up. I hear your magnificent laugh.

"You'd never get used to it El."
Yeah because I don't want to.

You bend down ,your muscles flex as you undo those silk sheets from my legs. I giggle and you smile.

I stand on our bed, now so I'm taller than you. You pull on the cream white shirt that I'm wearing, now so it ends right above my mid thighs. Adjusting the collar and the ends of it on my body. I can see the little happiness tugging your face. It's the same shirt you were wearing last night.

I shake my head with a light laugh and then the next thing I remember, you'd pull me up in your arms. My head resting on your heart; hearing my favorite song.

You pull me against your chest. Bridal style. Carrying me down the stairs.

You'd never let me climb down on my own. Why? Because I don't wear socks to bed. You don't let me. You like my skin against your skin, not the material of the wool. When your feet rests on mine and my legs entangle yours. I sleep deeply.

Yet you can't bear my feet touching the cold red marble ,so you envelope me in your warmth, carrying me down to our kitchen booth where you make me stand on your warm feet. You're wearing socks and I can feel it right beneath my skin. That warm sensation it sends.

You hug me from the back, my feet resting on yours as you watch me make coffee.

You've arranged everything beside the kettle. Coffee powder, milk and sugar. I smile.

All the while I stir the wooden spoon, you kiss my neck. Your hands caress my waist. It's still covered beneath your shirt but since when did we start needing clothes torn apart.
You have seen all the parts or rather I call the scars on my body. And each time you have kissed them with with your soft lips telling me how beautiful they looked.

The coffee is almost ready. I pat your head jumping as tall as I can on my tipi toes, still on your feet. Your hands tightens around my waist, scared I'd fall. But boy I was long into it.

I giggle and tug at your hand while you sniffle in my black long hair. I hear you sigh and as I know for a fact you open your eyes and pull your head down till my eye level. You rotate me so that now we're chest to chest.
I take in your calming scent and fight my eyes to remain open. I kiss your lips. A small Peck. "You know I can serve us one day." I say or more beg against your lip already predicting the future.

I feel your lips shaking in denial and soon I'm in your arms again.
You put me down on the carpeted couch. It's warm but not warmer than you.

You run back to the kitchen, return with two similar brown and red rim cups in your hand.
You hand me my coffee, collapse right beside me with your mug while pulling me on your lap. My back pushed against your chest. Your one hand around my shoulder playing with my hair while you sip your coffee and i hear you sigh. I dig deeper into your chest sipping the last drop of this delicious routine.

Okai maybe I am seriously obsessed or something with coffee. But whatever I love it. And yo people I know what you'll are thinking. Like no tragic endings? Right ?

Hell no!!!

Well or maybe yes.

Or hold down. Maybe there's more to come. After all who knows this was just a part of a yet another unfinished story? *devilish smirk*

Well honestly I don't feel like this is complete. I think there is something very much important missing here. I have no idea what right now though I hope I figure out soon. Till then this is it. If I succeed in completing it the way I wanted it to be. I'll edit this up. Yeah?

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