Chapter 3

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"Darling, hasn't anyone ever told you not to touch something that isn't yours?"

I immediately jump up, turnings around, to meet a man, quite taller than I.

He had long curly hair, flowing past his ears, it stopped a little under his shoulders, and  I, to this point, already envying.

His eyes were a piercing green, and his mouth holding an amused smirk, dimple poking out.

"I...Did you do this?" I asked, and then it hit me.

It was him.

It was Harry.

Before he even got the chance to answer, I immediately took off running.

He killed my parents.

I witnessed it all too soon.

I was 16 for fucks sake.

Adrenaline coursing through my blood, as I was one with the wind, still running, not caring where I was going, just running, to get away from that monster.

I stopped, once I reached a forest, and I hid behind a large tree.

I caught my breath, and I began to wonder, does he remember me?

What was his first thought when he saw me?

"Tut tut tut, Poor Raisa, she actually remembered" I heard him chuckling.

And that was my cue to run again.

I yelped in pain, after tripping over a branch, my ankle shooting burns up my leg.

I heard Harry chuckle, and I tried getting back up.

Before I could, I was quickly picked up and was thrown on his shoulder.

"Now Raisa, why would you run? I would never hurt you" he sarcastically cooed.

"Seems you've hurt yourself, though" he chuckled.

"I can fix that" he added. 

After what seemed like ages of him walking and me thrashing my fists on his hard back, and soon was tired and gave up.

I drooped my eyes, and soon felt my back gently collide with something soft, and an engine roaring.


how are you guys liking the story so far? I am sort of feeling it idk

but I'm gonna be good at this... you have no idea how many murders I've plotted.

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