Chapter 31

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Knocked out cold.

That's what Liam was.

Blood dripped down his neck, chin and chest, seeping through his white shirt.

Apparently his yell woke only me up. Harry stayed undisturbed as I had gone down to see what happened.

After turning the light on in the basement, I already knew exactly what I was going to see.

After examining him, I tipped his chin up, removing the top part of the fork, and pulling the bottom part out, unfastening the leather around his neck, avoiding the fresh blood leaking out of his neck.

I took him off the chains, his body flailing and falling to the floor.

I drag him to the corner, and walk out the basement, checking the time on the oven.

I mind as well stay up if it's already 9:00 am.

I decide on showering, grabbing all the necessities for doing so.

I shower, do what I need to do, and step out, clinging the towel around me. I comb my hair, parting it from the middle. I braid two cornrow pigtails, tying the ends off w/ a rubber band.

A knock on the door sounds while I put my clothes on, and once I finish, I run to the door to open it.

"What are you doing up so early?" He mumbles, rubbing his eyes.

"Liam's dead, I took him off the chains, he's just sitting on the floor waiting for you to come in." I say, laughing.

He chuckles, grabbing my hips and pulling my body to his.

I look at his lips, then his eyes, and back down to his lips as he holds his bottom lip between his teeth.

He releases the hold on his lips and brings them to mine-- ever so gently.

It wasn't necessarily a needy kiss, but it felt like he was kissing me as if he was going to lose me. I never wanted to let go, which is really cliche, but it's true. His lips are so soft, and before he removed his mouth from mine, he bit my bottom lip.

I looked back at his face, a smirk on his lips.

"Would you care to shower again?" He says, and I laugh.

"Nice try, Styles." I say.

"Mhm okay, the offer is still up" he says, letting go of my hips and walking into the bathroom.

I walk off, hearing the water turn on.

I put deodorant on, and spray my favourite perfume on myself. Tender Romance by Ralph Lauren. One heavenly ass smelling perfume.

I fall on the bed face down, sighing. I'm so tired, yet I can't sleep.

Then, the bathroom door opens, Harry walking out with only a towel around his waist.

I shamelessly check him out, subconsciously biting my lip as my eyes stare him up and down.

"If you keep staring at me like that and biting your lip, I am going to take you right here and right now." He said, his voice husky, snapping me out of my daze.

"I don't think so." I said in a sing-song voice.

But as soon as he walks towards me, his towel falls off, and my dirty self looks down before I shriek and cover my eyes.

"You can open your eyes now. Harry Junior is in his man cave" he says and I let out a chortle.

"God, why are you so cheesy?" I ask as he puts on sweatpants.

"'Cos I am" he says, and I make a face as if he has a valid point, causing him to chuckle.

"Ah, you've excited me." He says, winking.

"Oh gosh, Harry stop!" I say, blushing.

"Ha, you're blushing. How cute." He says, walking up to me in attempt of squeezing my rosy cheeks.

I attempt to slap his hands away, but he grabs my hands, pulling me up as if I weighed nothing. My legs wrapped around his waist, in fear of falling.

"You know how easy it is just to push you against that wall? Hmm?" He says lowly, looking into my eyes.

"You're not the only one excited now." I say, and he laughs.

"Gosh, Raisa. You're so different, I don't understand it." He says, and I smirk.

"I don't understand either, but hey, that's me!" I say, giggling.

"Now, unhand me, fool." I say, and he puts me down, stealing a kiss before doing so.

"Aren't you supposed to be a murder? What a softie." I say, squeezing his cheek.

"Gosh, you're so weird." He says.

"So I've been told." I say, walking out of his room.

"Where are you going?" He says.

"To get some food. You should do something about Liam before he smells." I say and he laughs.


After cleaning any evidence, I get rid of Liam. I enter the house, washing my hands thoroughly and drying them off.

"I want ice-cream!" Raisa yells behind me out of nowhere.

I quickly turn to look at her, taking in her features, as always. You simply could never get tired of looking at her. There could have been a chance that I would have killed her --which I will not do now--, but yet she still decided to like me. Another thing I have yet to figure out why.

"We can get ice-cream, then." I say, and she jumps up & down like a child.

"Really? Now?" She says.

I nod.

Surely wasn't ready for her to tackle me after that.

"Alright, alright. You're choking me." I say and she lets go.

"Come on loser, what are you waiting for?" She says, dragging me by my arm to the door, pushing my shoes in front of me.

"I can see you were already prepared to get ice-cream, then" I say, looking down at her sneakers.

"Ice-cream is Ice-cream and we've got nothing to do, so I figured you'd say yes." She says, opening the door and skipping to my Range Rover. Did I mention how her fine ass was jiggling while doing so?

Never thought I'd go for a thick girl, but nonetheless, she's still beautiful.


"Oh my god, this ice cream is so good." She moans in satisfaction.

I mentally groan.

"You know what else is really good?" I ask.

"Hmm?" She says, licking her ice cream.

"This dick." I say, and she coughs.

"Oh really?" She asks.

"Would you like to know?" I say.

"Maybe I'll take you up on that offer."


All the love x

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