Chapter 5

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(Edited; I leave milestones there to come back and look at where I was as this story continues to grow xx)

Yo so how about dis update cause you guys got me to over 100 reads and over 30 votes? Thank you so much.

Also; the song above is like a gift from the gods above and this is Psycho's theme.

(Maybe I should ask for perms to use that in this fanfic before I use it oops)


"Look what we have here mates!" Zayn chuckled and stepped closer to me.

He put his hand on my cheek, and I flinched back, stepping away from his touch.

"How's life?" Zayn asked.

"It's bullshit now that you're here, thanks." I replied and scoffed.

"Mm feisty, like always." He laughed.

"Can I be somewhere else besides this hellhole?" I asked turning around to face Harry.

The funny thing was, I wasn't scared of Harry, but just what he was capable of.

"Sorry darling, you've seen too much." he smirked.

I looked towards the door, and decided on it.

I mean, they won't let me leave, but who says I can't go for a walk?

I walk towards the door, and I twist the knob.

"Where the fuck are you going?" Harry asks.

"I'm going for a walk. I obviously couldn't escape because my ankle is fucked up." I scoffed and walked out the door.

I shut the door behind me, and walked off, but hearing the door open again, I walked a little faster and ignored it.

I was expecting to hear steps behind me, but when I heard nothing, I turned around.


I turned back around, only to be turned around once again, and pulled onto a shoulder.

How many times is this going to happen?

"You really think we are stupid enough to let you 'go for a walk?'" Harry asked, quickly jogging back to the doorsteps, entering the house.

abort mission.

He threw me off his shoulder, and I quickly balanced myself, and sat down on the couch.

Zayn then slid next to me, and I slid further away.

His leg was now next to mine, and he put his hand on my knee.

"Don't fucking touch me" I said getting up, and hopping up the stairs.

I walked into the room I woke up in, shut the door and locked it.

I need to figure out how to get out of here and I need to do it now.


okay this one was kinda shit but I still hope you like it.

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