Chapter 24

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It's short cause it's a filler lol.


"Yeah, yeah I hear you! Okay just get on your plane before you miss the flight!" I tell Harry through the phone.

I can't believe he's actually going through with this. He's going to kill all of Zayn's sisters. All 3 of them. Waliyha, Doniya, and Safaa.

I know their names cause I've looked at the file that he has. They're all so beautiful, and I think Harry doesn't want me to go because this time it's not my family that's been killed by Zayn so I'll probably feel bad. I kind of already do.

Harry will be back in a week, at least that's what he said, and I've got nothing to do but to kill time.

Wow, I just noticed that I said 'kill time'.. Ironic.


It's been 6 hours and I've just played on my phone. I haven't really ate cause I'm stuck reading this story and I'm too lazy to get up.

I should really sleep, though.

I tell myself that I can read later and put my phone on the small table next to the couch.

I shut my eyes and try to fall asleep.


I wake up and get up slowly, learning my lesson from past experiences.

I go up stairs to brush my teeth, but I stub my toe on the hard wood, making hollow sound. It isn't supposed to sound hollow?

I ignore the pain in my toe and kneel down in front of the steps to see an outline in the wood and a small nail, almost unnoticeable.

I pull at the nail, and a small door opens, revealing a pistol, and I furrow my eyebrows.

Smart, but why is it hidden here?

I close the small door, and just act like it never happened.

I run up the rest of the stairs and go to the bathroom to brush my teeth.

After brushing my teeth, I decide I could just go out and run.

Harry's house is literally in a secluded area, so I can run about the premises.

I put on some sporty shorts, a sports bra, and a short sleeved t-shirt.

I grab some socks and put on my tennis shoes.

All I know is that I'm able to jog a mile without stopping so I can try and push myself further.


After I finish, I come back drenched in sweat and I go to shower.

5 more days, and I won't be so bored.


*Five Days Later*

Harry arrives and he hugs me.

I don't feel uncomfortable.

"Did you miss me?" He smirks.

"No" I say, and he laughs mumbling a 'sure'.

"Did you do it?" I ask?

"Yes, and I called Zayn over using Waliyha's phone and told her to tell him to come over and that it's important. That fucker's on a flight to Bradford just to be met with his sisters all lying dead on the floor. I even left him a note saying 'all the fucking love, H." He says and I just stand there shocked.

"Okay that's twisted. What do you think will happen when he finds out?" I ask.

"The son of a bîtch will have nothing."

What do you thinks gonna happen next chapter? Hehehehe

And again, this is a filler, that's why it's so short.

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