Chapter 14

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early update? yw my little shit babies
Btw I have this story I wrote for class, I had to write 2.5 pages (I wrote 3.5 but meh) double spaced and choose a picture that was action and non related to my life (attached above), and it also had to be non-fiction. I had to add an implied main idea (the central idea being given to you right in the story). I want you guys to read it and tell me if you want me to make it into an actual story. Idk I'll just add it to the end, but proceed onto reading this shitty chapter.


We already knew this was coming, but we didn't know it was going to happen so soon.

I really hope Raisa is fine, for I only told her to run back through the hallway and into the small 'infirmary', as I'd like to call it.

Half an hour later, and we've killed off their whole gang, and we are heading back to the infirmary.

Louis got shot in his shoulder and Zayn has burns from the gas and acid on his arm.

We step into the corridor and I hear a shuffle from under the ground, hoping that it's Raisa, and that no one hasn't gotten to her.

I open the latch and lift the trap door up, seeing the light is on, and Raisa looks up.

"It's about f.ucking time, I thought you guys died" she says, sighing in relief.

I grab her hand and help her out the small room and into the infirmary.

"Oh my gosh" she says looking at Louis and Zayn.

"So you're telling me that you guys fought all those guys yourself?" She asked.

"They're the strongest and smallest gang known to America. They only have 100 crew members, which is small compared to most big top gangs these days." I explain.

"But didn't you help, aren't you in their gang?" She asks

"Actually, I'm not. They want me to join, but that will just add to me being wanted by the police, especially after all the murders I've committed." I say, and her eyes widen.

"So how-" she says, but I interrupt her.

"Stop with the questions, please. You're giving me a migraine." I say, pinching the bridge of my nose.

"Now I have to help Louis and Zayn, since apparently I'm the only one who knows how to do any of this s.hit." I say, and Raisa hops up.

"I actually know how to tend to his burns" she says.

"Show me what you've got, amateur" I joke around.


"Is this an acid burn?" I ask Zayn.

"I believe so" he says.

"Ok, be right back." I say walking to the shelve looking at all of the medications.

I take the hydrogen peroxide, gauze, a solution so that the gauze won't stick to his wound and some wrap along with cooling cream to avoid pain.

"Ok so I want to give you peroxide, but I'm not sure how you want me to put it up there. If I pour on or dab it on, it will sting like a bitch anyways." I explain, and Zayn looks at me contently.

"You mind as well pour it, it burns anyhow" he says.

I grab a small bucket, and tell him to take his shirt off, so that I can see all of the burn.

I tell him to hold the bucket and give him a towel for any excess peroxide that drips.

"Ok.. 3. 2. 1." I say and begin pouring the liquid on his wound.

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