Chapter 32

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(I feel like this is all too rushed I am so sorry, but can you believe this book is coming to an end so soon? Yep! And I'm ready for death threats cause you won't even know what I have in store. (PS. To those who know, speak of it and I'll stab you) (also, I really am sorry if this chapter is going too fast dude idk)


"Maybe I'll take you up on that offer" she says, and I feel myself harden.

"Wait, what? Really?" I say.

"Sure I mean, I've never done it, but I'm willing to try, I guess." She says, and my eyes widen at how blunt she is.

"I don't want to force you into anything" I say, looking for her consent.

"Oh, don't worry. I want to do this." She says.

"But, we can finish this at home. I plan on taking advantage of my actual ice cream." She says, continuing to tease me while licking her ice cream cone.

A dribble of ice cream runs down her lip, and she uses her thumb to wipe it off, putting her thumb in her mouth and sucking it off her finger.

My hands visibly tighten their grip on the steering wheel and I drive a little more faster, fantasies of her on her knees flowing through my head.

"Slow down, Styles. I'm still mid cone and I refuse to suck you off until I finish this cone." She says, and I painfully chuckle, the stiffness almost unbearable.

Her hand reaches over the divider and she palms me through my sweatpants.

I suck in a breath, and she smirks at me, squeezing my length.

"If you've never done any sexual activities with anyone, how are you so confident about it?" I ask her between clenched teeth.

"I've read fanfiction. I've got this all covered, babe." She says.

I watch her take the last bite of her cone as we finally arrive to the house.

She opens her door, and I get out of the car rather quickly.

I open the door and I pull her in with me as we kick off our shoes.

"No, it's my turn tonight. Now sit down on the couch." She says rather dominantly, pushing me on the couch and falling to her knees.

I watch her as she pulls down my joggers, licking her lips before pulling my boxers with them. I raise my legs allowing the articles of clothing to pool at my feet and she stares at my member with wide eyes.

"Never seen a real one?" I say, chuckling.

"It's just.. big.." She says and I smirk.

"You know what to-" I begin, but I feel her lick the tip and I suck in a breath.

She takes the tip in her mouth and sucks very harshly before taking my member halfway in her mouth.

I let out a loud groan when she takes my balls in her hand and digs her nails in them.

"Fuck.." I mumble and she takes my cock all the way down her mouth.

"Fuck, deep-throat my cock baby." I say closing my eyes trying to gain a little dominance. 

I run my hand through her hair without pushing her head, I'm already thankful that she's doing this and it feels fucking amazing.

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