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Wonwoo and the rest rushed to the room where they heard a piercing scream.

As they reached the room, they saw you on the floor with a shock-stricken Seungcheol staring at her with his mouth opened wide. You felt your entire world turning 360° before it turns black. The last thing you heard was Wonwoo calling out your name.

A few hours later, Wonwoo, Seungcheol and the 95 liner Hyungs gathered in the room where the incident happened. Soon enough, you woke up, feeling the sudden sharp pain on your neck. "Ugh what happened....", you spoke trying to sit up from the bed.

"You collaps-"

"What is happening here? Why on earth is she doing in our dorm and what's happening between you both?", Seungcheol interrupted Wonwoo even before he could finish his sentence. He gave Wonwoo a dark glance and stared at you. It's her but why is she doing here...?

"Ugh can you guys give me a glass of water at least? My throat is burning here.", you moaned, feeling like you just woke up from a 48 hours sleep. Jeonghan left the room to take the drink for you.

"Okay listen, I came here because I made a promise with Wonwoo about something and I told him I'll only seal the promise if he buys for me Patbingsu. But he insisted on me coming to the dorm since it's free and away from fans.", you explained with your right hand cupping the back of your neck from the pain. Seungcheol nodded in acknowledgement.

"Why did you collapsed anyway?", Jeonghan came in the room asking with a glass of water in his hands. You instantly turned red.

"I'm...i'm having my p..period right now..and the cramps.."

"Okay I get it, drink up.", you drank in huge gulps after you took the glass of water from him. You felt someone staring at you, burning holes through your skulls and you know it's him. The same guy who made your heart flutter at times and the gut who visits the café often.

"Well that explains why you weren't at the café today.", you heard Seungcheol sighed as the rest & himself left the room. It was Wonwoo and you in the room now. You both stared at each other and burst into laughters. "YAH you both don't have the rights to laugh right now after what've happened!", you laughed even harder when you heard Seungcheol screamed from the living room.

You tried to stand up with the help of Wonwoo but you slipped on the blanket and fell on top of him. Your hands were on his chest and your face was directly right in front of his face. You both stared at each other and you saw his eyes directing to your lips. Coming back to your senses, you quickly stood up and both of his face and yours' turned red. You saw him biting his lips. "I-i'm sorry.", you apologised and ran out of the room.

"I'm going home right now....I'm sorry for the disturbance.", you bowed at the members and walk towards the door, leaving the premises without say a single bye to Wonwoo.

It was 8PM and you dragged your feet to the bus stop at the lonely dark alley since an idols' dorm has to be somewhere secluded. You were suddenly freezing and you cursed yourself for not bringing a windbreaker along with you.

You heard shuffling of footsteps coming towards you from the back. You look behind you and there was no one and continued to walk forward again until someone grabbed you and put a varsity jacket over your shoulder. Shrieking at first, you scan the person only to realize it was Seungcheol.

"Hey sorry I scared you. I didn't want you to walk alone and I saw your thin clothes earlier on so....yeah. Mind if I accompany you to the bus stop? Or better, I think I'd rather send you home. Lets go.", he grabbed your arms leaving you in confusion.

As soon as you guys got on the bus, you were sitting beside him, with you on the inside seat. You were dozing off and your head keeps on bumping the glass window and without you knowing, Seungcheol was chuckling. Cute. He softly grabbed your head and place it on his right shoulder and since you were half-asleep. You couldn't care less on what is going on around you.

Reaching your stop, Seungcheol woke you up & you dragged your feet towards the door and scanned your card out of the bus. "Get on my back and lead me to your house.", you stared at him with heavy eyelids and slowly got on his back. You were basically moaning the whole time while trying to lead him to your house.

You got off his back once you've have reached in front of your house. "Thanks.", you said and he smiled at you and waved at you goodbye before taking the lift down and going back to the dorm.

You entered your house and close the door behind you, immediately throwing yourself on the sofa and fall asleep.

A/N: sorry for not updating!! ;;

Note: As I mentioned from my description, I apologized if  there are any grammatical and other errors as I'm not a professional writer.
Therefore, please do comment your genuine feelings while you're on a fantasy trip on my story. I'm willing to improve my writing everyday.

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