Chapter 1: Beginnings

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"Ryan sweetie wake up" Called my mom from the kitchen. I slowly opened my eyes and hopped out of bed yawning. I looked around to see the room deserted then walked into the kitchen. Breakfast was there and of course my brother and sister were already eating. The pikachu looked up and smiled.

"Hey big brother" He said as cheerful as ever. The zorua looked up and smirked.

"Looks like Ry's not gonna get any food" She teased and I replied by sticking my tongue out at her. The zoroark, my dad, chuckled. 

"You two are such a handful" He joked and went back to eating his pancakes. My mom, a lucario, walked over and gave him a kiss which would've made me throw up if I had eaten.

"Go ahead and grab yourself a plate Ryan it's your favorite~" She sang with a smile on her face. Guess I haven't introduced anymon yet. The pikachu is my adopted brother Thunder. His parents were killed when he was an egg but we don't want him to know yet. The brat that's a zorua is Lego short for Legolesha. My dad's name is Spike and my mother is named Lucy. And her is me. A normal riolu with a normal life. My name's Ryan and as you can see, I love my family, and they love me. I made my way to the counter and slid a plate off catching it in my paws. I walked over to the table and sat down beginning to eat slowly.

After breakfast my dad began to get ready for work. He works at the local guild. He risks his life everyday just to recover lost objects. His team is pretty strong though. There's him, Lucas a Tyranitar, Greg the Greninja, and Coal the Charizard. Pretty strong if you ask me. He kissed mom, which made me throw up in my mouth, and walked out the door. A few seconds later shouting was heard and mom poked her head out. She quickly ducked inside and slammed the door shut picking me up and carrying me to the safe room. 

"Stay here" She said and I could tell she was in distress. She rushed out and returned a few seconds later setting both Lego and Thunder down.

"Shadow....sweetie....I need you to look out for your siblings" She started and I just tilted my head in confusion.

"But why mommy? Aren't you and daddy supposed to do that?" I asked. She sighed as atear fell from her eye. She put her arms behind her neck and took off her necklace that carried a soothe bell. She slowly put the necklace around my neck and kissed each of our foreheads. 

"Your father and I aren't coming back....I'm matter what you hear do not open this door until there's absolute silence ok?" 

"B-but mom...."


I nodded and sat down as she closed the door. I locked it as I knew that was what she wanted and sat next to Thunder and Lego who had drifted off to sleep. There was shouting and the sound of glass breaking. Then it happened. BANG! That sound echoed throughout the house and into my ears. I quickly covered my siblings ears just as a second bang was heard. I stayed as quiet as I could. A few minutes later there was banging at the door and I fought off the urge to open it. After a few more minutes there was nothing to be heard. I waited another minut to be safe and opened the door. Arceus I wish I hadn't. There laying before me, in a pool of blood, was my mom and dad, holding hands smiling. I staggered over and fell to my knees. 

"M-mom? D-dad?" I croaked out as tears streamed down my face. I cried for a good hour before deciding what to do. I couldn't let Lego and Thunder know about this. I went back to the room and carried them out of the house one after the other. I went back inside and packed as many valuable things I could. Pictures, food, tm's and hm's, and finally my dad's explorer bag. I tripped over a broken door and found a torn off piece of fabric with a "P" sewn on. Behind the P looked like swords or a box. I put that in the backpack and covered the whole house in twigs and dry leaves. I slumped back outside and took one last look at my parents' lifeless bodies. 

"Thanks mom and dad....I will bring whoever did this to justice even if it kills me" I declared to the air as I took the metal part on my arms and hit them together creating a spark and setting the leaves and twigs on fire. As I walked back over to my siblings I found Lego staring at the house. She looked at me with a face I never will forget.

"Ryan? Why is the house on fire? And where's mom and dad?" She asked and I froze up. I took a deep breath and looked down beginning to cry.

"Mom and dad went to a faraway place where they'll be happy forever" I choked out and she started to cry.

"A-are they dead?" She asked and I had no choice but to cry my eyes out. Lego started to also and we promised to never tell Thunder. From that day forth we would live with the guild. That's where my story of vengeance began. This is my story. The story of Shadow the red Lucario.


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