Chapter 4: Reborn

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Ryan woke up in a cage. He looked around and saw a zangoose in another. Then he remembered what had happened. "Scorch?!?! Where are you?!?!" He called out. Almost instantly the cage opened and a hand grabbed him pulling him out and throwing him into a glass container. He punched the glass over an over but no luck. It wouldn't crack. Not even move. He saw the zangoose get thrown into one right next to him. The room lit up which he covered his eyes to get adjusted to. There were people in white coats behind a control panel and a few others in black uniforms with a "P" on them. Ryan stared at them as they pressed a few buttons, then one of them stood forward wearing a cape and crown. Must be their leader.

"Start the fusion process" He commanded and the scientists nodded. Instantly Ryan felt a sharp pain throughout his body and fell to the floor yelling. 

"AGHHHHH ARCEUS" The people watched with no emotion and Ryan could hear the zangoose cry out too. Ryan looked at the caped man and then fainted from the pain.

The last thing he heard, "Welcome to team Plasma"

((Yes this chapter is short so what lol it's basically a transition chapter setting up the main story ok? Shadow will appear in the next chapter so see ya then))

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