Chapter One

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Chapter 1:

"You're coming right?" Savannah yelled through the phone. 

"Duh, why would I miss the fair? It's one of my favorite parts of summer." I sarcastically mocked her.

"Whatever. Pick me up at.... Three?" she whispered.

"Uhh, I'm going by myself for a while to play games and shit because you know how my parents are, they want me to try out things for them before they go. I'm not doing that until three, so how about we go about sixish?"

"Sounds good. See you then." 

"Bye!" I smiled through the phone.

I had to get ready now since it was already one thirty and I had to get ready, get gas, and I wanted to stop at Starbucks to get a coffee. I finished blow drying my hair because I had taken a shower earlier. I put on some jean shorts and threw on my one direction sweatshirt because it was kind of chilly today. My 1D bracelet and necklace were already on, and I just threw on some sandles and a beanie, fixed my make up and I was out the door. 

I made it out the door by two thirty and went straight to the gas station, pulling on my sun glasses to hide the glare. I filled up my tank and reluctantly paid the bill, hurrying off to Starbucks. I grabbed an iced mocha and then started off for the county fair. 

When I got there, it was pretty crowded already. Usually it isn't this crowded until later, but knowing people they wanted to get good seats. One Direction was playing tonight, so we were all fangirling about them being in our town. They were all single and rumor has it they were looking for their 'special someone.' I started out at the water gun game, that was my favorite. Some guy sat next to me and our water started spraying at the same time, so it became a race. Round one winner: me. Then it started again, intensity rising. Round two winner: him. This was it, for all the marbles, I took a sip of my mocha before we started and then we were off. Round three winner: me. 

"Ha! I beat y-Holy shit. You're Liam Payne." I stopped, weired out how I wasn't fangirling as much as I have been.

"Well, hello to you too love." he smiled.

"I just didn't expect to see you here."

"I love this game, it's my favorite." he smirked, kind of embarassed.

"Ohmycarrots! Me too!" I laughed.

"I see you're a fan," he said pointing to my sweatshirt, "Cute, what's your name?"

"Hah, thanks. My name is Valorie." 

"Well, it's nice to meet you." 

"Ditto, believe me. I have to go though, hopefully I'll see you soon."

"Yeah, I hope so. Can I have your number?"

"Yes, of course you can. You're Liam friggen Payne. Here, I'll put it in your phone and you can put mine in yours." I smiled. I was a very outspoken person, as you can tell.

We exchanged phone numbers and then he hugged me and I got chills up my spine. Holy shit. Liam Payne just hugged me. 

I went to the Gravatron next because it was my favorite ride ever! I loved being upside down, and then shifting to my side. I was laying sideways, listening to music be blasted, why wouldn't you love it? 

I got in and rested back between two seats, so I would have room to be sideways. Someone plopped down beside me, but I didn't pay much attention to them. We started spinning after everyone got on that was going to get on. As we started going faster, I started to adjust.. Realizing too late that I was turning the wrong way. I ended up head-butting the guy that plopped down next to me as he was turning to be upside down. I ended up falling because we slowed down sooner than I thought, but he picked me up and helped me out. I had a really bad headache now.

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