Plans and Actions

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I woke up in the same room as I did 4 weeks ago. Alone and scared. Well alone as in on this side of the room. Mark and Lilt were cuddling in their sleep. It's sad to think that I can't do that with Kyle because Darren murdered him.

That's it, I can't take living in here anymore. I walked over towards Lily and Mark, ripping off the blanket that they shared.
"Guys, get up!" I whisper yelled incase Darren was close. They stirred slightly before falling asleep again. I dragged the blanket back further. They both jumped up and grabbed the blanket back.
"What Ollie?" They asked in unison.
"Okay, 1) That was creepy, never do it again. 2) We need to get out of here." told them.

They both sat up, alert.
"Ollie, you know it's practically impossible. What are you thinking?" Lily asked.
"It's dangerous but it might work." I told them.


I sat in anticipation, waiting for Ollie to explain her plan.
"Well.... what is it?" Mark asked impatiently.
"Why don't you just ask Darren to let you go? If he says no then I can attack him from behind while you escape. I'll catch up with you guys later, hopefully." She explained.
"What!?!" "No!" Mark and I chorused.
"Yes and that is it, plan complete. We will escape tonight."
"What? Tonight!? You are completely insane." Mark exclaimed.
"Yes." Ollie answered simply.
"I'm taking Ollie's side." I said. "It's better to get it over and done with now then to worry about it later."
"Good. Let me get back into the corner then."
We sat in silence for a few hours, waiting for Darren... Until I asked...
"Wait, what if he says yes?" Ollie looked up.
"That is where I improvise." She whispered. I was about to disagree but was cut off by the door opening.

Ollie dived into the corner, wrapping the blanket around her body. Darren stepped through the doorway and looked at Mark and I questioningly.
"Darren?" I asked. "Are we allowed to leave?" He looked at me for a while.
"Why?" He replied.
"Well, Mark and I, you have no use for us..." As I said this Ollie started to creep up behind Darren.
"What's the point in us being here?" I finished. He considered it for a while before finally saying...

At that exact moment, Ollie tackled him. His face showed pure shock as her body hit his. They fell to the ground in a heap.
"Go!" Ollie screamed. Mark and I got up. Mark went straight to the door, pulled it open and ran through the corridor. However, I stopped in front of Darren and kicked him in the head. He passed out and I helped Ollie up, pulling her through the hallway. Hopefully it's the one Mark took.


We came to a door that had the words 'FIRE-ESCAPE', with the picture of a man running through a door. I slowly pushed the door open to see a spiralling metal staircase. I cautiously stepped onto the cool metal, causing goose bumps to travel up my body. I peered over the edge if the railing. It was a long way down...
"Come on!" I yelled over my shoulder at Lily, already sprinting down the staircase. I grabbed hold of Lily and pulled her down the remaining steps. What can I say? She was going too slow...


When we reached the bottom of the stairs, I pulled my arm out of Ollie's tight grip.
"What was that for?" I questioned .
Ollie looked at me slyly, "You were going too slow." I was about to reply when I saw a figure out of the corner of my eye. I looked up. It was Mark.
Ollie caught sight of him and yelled, "Why did you leave us?!"
Mark thought for a moment before saying, "I thought that you guys were right behind me."
Nice answer, real original... My mind commented sarcastically. I ignored the comment and observed Mark. He didn't even have uneven breathing, almost as if he just walked out of there...

I'm overthinking this, it's not like he was working with them. He couldn't of, they whipped him... or did they?
"Lily..." I looked up, Ollie and Mark were looking at me, "what's wrong?" Mark asked, it was him who spoke last.
"How did you get out of here so easily? No one even tried to stop you! Why?" I asked yelling towards the end.

Mark was stood there for a while before whispering, "I'm sorry..."
Ollie gasped and stared at Mark. "Really?!" She yelled. "I went through all that, losing Kyle, being shot, just because of you!" She screamed and before Mark or I could react she had already leapt at him. I dragged Ollie off of him and around the corner.
"What are you doing? Let me at him!" She snapped at me.
"You know that if you do this you'll regret it. I want to do this as much as you do and I know you'll do the same for me." I advised.

"Okay, okay." Ollie sighed, relaxing in my arms. We started to walk away, leaving Mark on the floor. Suddenly Ollie turned, she stared at something over my shoulder open-mouthed. Mark stood there with his arm raised, and in his hand was a gun.
"Mark, what are you doing?" I asked. I was shaking slightly. He glanced at me, momentarily taking his eyes off of Ollie. That was her cue.

Ollie started to make her way around , slowly edging herself outside of his sight. Mark didn't seem to notice so I pretended to be oblivious.
"I had to." He breathed. "I couldn't do anything else, I - I was threatened." A lone tear dropped down his face . "I swear I didn't know that he was going to kill Kyle." He continued. He started to mumble to himself but I couldn't hear him. I was focusing on Ollie, she was right behind Mark now.


I am right behind Mark now, Lily just staring at me fearfully. As if Mark could sense somebody behind him, he turned but not fully keeping his gun trained on Lily. When he saw me he panicked instantly pulling the trigger. Lily dropped to the floor, lifeless like a rag doll. I saw red, tackling Mark to the floor I snatched the gun from his hand and pressed the cool cylinder against his head and pulled the trigger.


As soon as Mark saw Ollie, I could see the panic in his eyes. After that I couldn't remember anything, just blurs of movement and muffled sounds that sounded like gunshots then the darkness consumed me...


So I finally updated this story

Hope you enjoy


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