2 Months Before (Part 1)

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I ran down an endless road, without knowing why. My jeans are ripped and my shirt is like a rag. I can't remember any events that happened to leave me like this. Then I started thinking. What if I escaped....

I woke up, sweat dripping down my forehead.

"It was just a dream," I mumbled. Then a small smile grew onto my face but it faltered quickly. My eyes watered at the thought.

"I thought I managed to escape, but I'm still stuck here." I whispered, realising the truth.

A sound came from outside of my door, my breath caught in my throat.

"Ollie,  open the door," my father's stern voice spoke. What did I do this time? I got up, mumbling profanities under my breath. I pulled the chair out from under the handle and scooted it across the room.

"It's open, dad." I called whilst hastily making my bed and opening my curtains. My 'dad' walked in to find me sitting in my chair, on the other side of my small room. He walked a couple of steps, minimising the space between us. He stopped directly in front of me.

"What are you doing?" He asked, keeping it clear that I shouldn't lie.  Since I'm a rebel, I did it anyway.

"Homework, dad." I replied, my voice quavering. He either didn't hear it or he chose to ignore it.

"What lesson?" He asked, faking curiosity.  I turned my head to stare him dead in the eyes.

"Just some maths dad." I explained, leaning over slightly. Just to he could see the sheet of paper I had previously written equations on.

I know that saying it was maths and 'proving' it on a sheet, would make him walk away without giving it a second glance.

"Dad I'm actually feeling quite sick and I know how much you hate it..." I trailed off waiting for him to leave.

"Okay. But if you are faking, I will find out." He warned.

"I'm not faking dad I promise. When you pass my room tonight, knock on my door and I'll knock back to prove I'm here. Try to not do it to late because I'm actually feeling quite tired." I spoke carefully, keeping my voice in a monotone, just to make sure I didn't give away my plan. 'Dad' left the room about 10 seconds later. When he left I discarded the 'homework' and started to pace around my room, thinking of what to do next. When I had made up my mind, I grabbed a bag and started to fill it with random necessities.  I made sure to only use a little of my belongings, just in case one of them came in. I couldn't take too much out now or they would notice. 

"Ollie, come down for tea," My 'mother' called from downstairs. This is the worst part of my day. I just sit at the table, with no food, while they eat theirs. They say that I'm too fat, and that I need to loose weight. I decided that today was the day that I would practice my acting skills. I splashed a little bit of water onto my face, and purposely hit my knee on the door frame. I stumbled down the stairs, as soon as they looked at me they sent me straight back up them. As I shut my bedroom door, a smile grew onto my face. I did it! I can't believe that I had managed to do that. I grabbed another bag and filled it with my remaining things. I sat down on my bed and waited as time went on...

The hours passed by and my eyes started to feel heavy. I jumped, startled when there were three rapid knocks on my door. I stood up quickly and knocked back. Now the escape. I threw my two bags out, hearing a light thud as they hit the ground. I jumped through the window. At this point, you may think that I am crazy. Just to let you know, I have a fire escape that leads to the front corner of the house. I walked down the staircase carefully, trying to not make any noise. I made it to the bottom of my escape, then picked up my bags and ran...


Hi guys, hope you like my new chapter. Please leave a comment of when you want me to update part two. Enjoy...


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