4 weeks before (Part One)

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So I am finally updating after a long time. 



I woke up in a dimly lit room. I heard a faint drip coming from the shadowed corner. It smelt terrible and I swear I just saw a rat feasting on abandoned flesh! As I was looking around, still led down, a door opened behind me. I closed my eyes and pretended that I was still asleep.

"Ollie... It's time to get up now," the deep voice of my foster father echoed throughout the small, cold room. I heard light footsteps coming towards me.

"Ollie..." His voice came again. I relaxed my face, hoping that he didn't see me flinch. I could hear his breathing now, signalling that he was mere inches from me. He bent down, I could feel his warm breath fanning over my face. I could almost taste the stale stench of cigarettes that were enveloping my nose and mouth. 

My hand twitched slightly, I had almost tried to cover my nose but managed to stop myself before it was definitely clear that I was awake. I hope he didn't see it, he would end me if that happened. There was a sudden pain in my leg. I screamed loud and clear, making my throat burn from the lack of water and not speaking.

"I knew you were awake," he spoke, adding a few insults. "Get up now!" He yelled at me. I then heard a door slam shut. I was glad to be alone with my thoughts. I sat up, well tried, my leg filled with excruciating pain. 

Tears dropped from my eyes, gathering in a puddle on the floor. I tried to stand but the pain was too much so I collapsed on the floor as a sobbing mess...

I struggled to open my eyes as they were stuck together with sleep. I had fallen asleep, exhausted from crying. I woke up, strapped to a metal table, unable to move anything but my head. I finally managed to open my eyes, everything was pitch black. I could feel fabric brushing against my forehead, I was blind-folded. After pulling against my restraints for a few minutes, I finally gave up and led back down. 

Looking up at the ceiling, wondering what it actually looked like. I thought about why my foster father would do this to me. A door closed somewhere in the distance, making me think that I was either in a large room or some sort of building. I heard footsteps slowly making its way towards me. This time I didn't pretend to be asleep, I just looked up and waited...

The hours passed as I waited for Darren to return after these long hours passed I realised that no one was coming for me. I knew that Kyle wouldn't. He was probably at school or his house thinking that I'm ill at home.

I felt a sharp pain go through my leg, as I tried to move it again. I looked my leg, (my blindfold had been removed while I was asleep.) I saw that it had not been cut like I had first thought. It had just happened to have been shot. I should request surgery for that...

At this thought the door opened, what surprised me was that there was not only one set of footsteps but four. I tried to look up but someone behind me pinned my head to the table and wrapped a blindfold around my eyes, again. I could hear the muffled voices coming from the opposite side of the room. I could only hear two voices, though...

"Ollie," Darren spoke, his voice sharp and cold. He stepped closer and when I flinched this time, I knew he saw it. I only knew because not even a second after, his chuckle echoed throughout the small room.

"I have visitors for you..." He spoke when the silence returned. My mind was racing, who do I know that would come here, for me? Before I knew it, someone touched my bullet wound making me scream out in pain. 

"It seems as if she's going to need an x-ray and surgery to remove that bullet." A woman, who I believe to be a nurse, confirmed my previous thought. I heard a voice, it was muffled by something but I spoke out anyway... Or at least I tried since I was still gagged.


So this is my new chapter, I hope you all enjoyed it. 

I never know what to say at the end of these things.

I will not be updating until after New Year.

So you will have to wait for the next part to this story. 

Don't forget to check out my new book called Rants and Shit.

Thanks for reading guys...


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