This is going to be fun

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I stood there, silently, looking at the spot of where she was just minutes ago. I replayed the moments in my head. How scared she was, the tears rolling silently down her cheeks. How did I not recognise her? She had been the most important person in my life since I could remember and all it took was 3 months for me to forget her perfectly sculpted face. I shook off my shock and turned to walk back into the hospital.

I had been there for a check up on my knee. Since Darren shot me, I couldn't walk and had to go to physiotherapy sessions to learn how to walk on my leg again. I don't know why he didn't kill me but he said that his boss still had a use for me. I had no idea that the others had made it out. Darren had told me that Ollie was dead a few hours after he shot me. I heard Mark and Lily running through the corridors, I guess if Lily made it out then so did Mark. I wonder why he wasn't with them, and who was the other girl that was thsere? I don't remember seeing her before...

I walked back in and headed straight to the front desk. "Hi, I was wondering if you could tell me where Lily is?" I asked, giving the receptionist a friendly smile. She looked at me, confused.
"I'm sorry sir but you're going to have to be more specific. There are many Lilys here." She told me. I thought for a second.
"Umm, she's the one who was in surgery. She had a bullet wound in her chest." I explained.
"Oh, of course," she looked at me sympathetically. She looked at her computer and typed on her keyboard.

After several minutes of waiting, she looked up and shook her head at me. "Sir you're going to have to identify yourself before I tell you what room she is in."
I looked at her, "My name is Kyle Turner," I stated.
She looked back down at her monitor and nodded to herself. "Okay, she is in room 342 but you mustn't tell anyone, she's only allowed family visitors but I guess she's like the love of your life and you just have to see her." She looked at me.
"Uhh... Yeah, something like that. Thanks," I said. I looked at the map and saw that she was on floor 5. I walked over to the elevator and pressed the 'up' button. The doors opened with a ding. I stepped inside and pressed the number 5. As the elevator came to a stop a voice came through the speaker telling me I had reached the floor. I walked passed several doors...339...340...341...

342! I stopped in front of the door and let out a shaky breath. I knocked on the door and heard her soft reply of "come in." As I entered, she looked up. A look of pure shock washed over her face.
"Kyle..." she whispered. She smiled and opened her arms. I walked forward and stepped into her warm embrace. I felt wet drops on my neck and realised she was crying. I felt my own eyes water but pushed back the tears. It was not the time to focus on me. I can only imagine what she has been through.


I pulled back from Kyle. "I thought you were dead," I stated, still crying.
He looked at me and said, "I thought you were. Lily, how did you get out?"
I looked up at him, "You might want to sit down, this could take a while." He pulled up a chair and sat down next to me. "Well, we wouldn't have escaped if it wasn't for Ollie. She pretended to be dead before attacking Darren when he was distracted. Mark got out first but I stayed to help Ollie knock him out. We ran through the building looking for a way out before spotting a fire escape. We made it outside but then I got shot and passed out. Next thing I know, I'm waking up and hearing voices nearby. I dragged myself behind the fire escape, then Ollie found me." While I explained he kept a blank expression but by the end, he looked confused.

"Lily, you left out one thing." He said to me. I looked at him knowing what he meant. "What happened to Mark? Where is he? Why isn't he here?"
"Kyle... H-He was working for them the entire time," I told him. His face showed disbelief.
"No..." He whispered, "He couldn't."
"He was, Kyle. He shot me. He would have killed me if it wasn't for Ollie."
"What do you mean 'if it wasn't for Ollie'?" He asked.
"She jumped him from behind, and I think she killed him," I whispered.

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