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Everything was very different now and definitely not in a good way. People were dying, being tortured and recruited for the dark side. You-Know-Who and his Death Eaters were striking fear and terror into the hearts of magical beings, once again.

You were scared for the lives of your family. They were a target for the Death Eaters, as they had a complex history with some of them. You were born into a family of brave Aurors, who constantly found themselves faced with danger. They were responsible for locking many villains up in Azkaban, but it seemed that Voldemort was impossible to beat.

It worried you so much that you almost didn't want to go back to Hogwarts. What if something were to happen? Ironically, it was the one place that would keep you much safer than anywhere else.


Now that you had settled into your sixth year, though, you were feeling great and almost carefree. Studying to become an Auror was very tough, but with your three best friends by your side, it was all worth it.

Having Snape as your Defence Against the Dark Arts was easily a downside to the year, but if he was anything like the previous teachers, he'd only last a year. Although, using the non-verbal spells he had been teaching your class had caused a lot of amusement in the corridors, yet cost Gyffindor a few house points, much to Professor McGonagall's displeasure.

Ron, Harry, Hermione were also taking the classes required to be an Auror. The four of you had met in first year and connected instantly. Trouble always found you, but it meant that there was never a dull moment, at least.

This year, Harry was convinced that Draco Malfoy was secretly a Death Eater and attempting to put the school at risk. As much as you loathed Malfoy, you knew he didn't have it in him to do something that evil.

You had helped them out many times, with your detailed knowledge of the Dark Arts and defense, which you had been taught by your parents. You couldn't even imagine who you would be without them.

But, something had recently changed, since the start of the school year. Every time Ronald Bilius Weasley looked at you, your heart began to beat much faster and butterflies - no, enormous bats - filled your stomach. It was an unfamiliar sensation, yet it was clear to you what it was.

Romantic feelings.

Everything about Ron amazed you. His loyalty, sense of humour, Quidditch playing and undeniable bravery. Not to mention, he was also very attractive.


It was the morning of the first Quidditch match of the year. You wandered over to the Gryffindor table, after breakfast. Ron and Harry were already in their scarlet Quidditch Robes, ready for the heavily anticipated match against Slytherin.

You took a seat, watching as Harry poured Ron a goblet of pumpkin juice. His hand seemed to linger over it a moment too long. Very suspicious. You briefly remembered the Felix Felicis, which Professor Slughorn had given to Harry, after he had brewed a potion with his dodgy Potions textbook. Surely, he wouldn't slip it into Ron's drink? It was cheating!

You shared a look with Hermione, knowing she was thinking the same, whilst Ron downed the potentially tainted liquid. He stood up,along with the rest of the team.
"Good luck, Ron. Although, I'm sure you don't need it." You say, narrowing your eyes at Harry. He put his hands up in surrender.

You and Hermione made your way down to the Quidditch pitch, house scarves flying in the autumn breeze. You took a seat, with an excellent view of the players. You cheered loudly for Ron, Ginny and Harry, as the match begun.

Coincidentally, Ron managed to save every shot and Harry caught the Snitch, meaning a Gryffindor victory. You went to find them as soon as possible, Hermione running after you.

"Well done guys!" You grin, high-fiving them. You probably would have hugged them, if it weren't for the fact that they were muddy and sweaty. Gross.

Harry then revealed that he only pretended to use Felix Felicis, resulting in an argument between Ron and Hermione. You tried, with great difficulty, to not roll your eyes; they always seemed to be fighting. You eventually tuned out, having heard it all enough times before.

Hermione stormed off angrily and you were about to chase after her, when you realised it was probably only going to happen again. You were bored and tired of the tension and fighting between two of your best friends. "Ron, what the bloody hell was that about? All she wants to do is keep you guys out of trouble and you always just get angry at her! Nice going, guys." You yelled, shaking your head at them. You left then standing there, not caring to glance back.

Unsurprisingly, Hermione was in the library. "Are you okay, Hermione?" You ask, putting an arm around her. "All I did was try to help." She sniffled. "Why don't we go back to your dorm? I've got some Honeyduke's chocolate and No Melt Ice Cream we can eat." You suggest. Her eyes lit up and she eagerly nodded, a small smile appearing on her face.


The two of you walk back through the empty corridors, greeting Nearly Headless Nick and the Fat Friar. Hermione told the Fat Lady the password and the two of you clambered through the portrait hole.

Of course. You had forgotten that there would most likely be a party going on, to celebrate the Quidditch victory. You led Hermione to the stairs, where you were stopped by Ginny Weasley. You were also really good friends with her, as when you had stayed at the Burrow, you shared a room with her and Hermione. Not forgetting, you had battled alongside her at the Department of Mysteries, last year.
"Where are you going? You need to stay for the party!" She demanded. "Sorry, Gin. Maybe next time." You apologised. "I know my idiot brother did something stupid, but you should stay anyway. I'm on the team too, so why can't you party for me?" She asked. "If it's okay with Hermione." You sighed, giving in. Ginny was very persuasive. Hermione nodded, moving towards the snack table with the younger girl.


A/N: First part is complete! I feel like this isn't as good as it could be, but I need to move the plot on, to where the action happens.

This part will be published, when the story is finished, because I can't take the pressure of updating at a certain time. So, I write and edit all the parts, then publish whenever. I just write when I feel like it, but anyway, I hope you like and consider checking out my Draco x Reader!

I also took quite a long break, between writing this and People Change. I wrote People Change in August, along with a few other things, which I don't intend on publishing. Then, I went back to school. My writing style has changed, I think. Since then, I've been struggling to cope, as things have been very difficult. I think things are looking up, so wish me luck.

~ Emily

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