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You were outside, reading in the warm summer sunshine. It was a free period, but you weren't in the mood to do any homework. So, you decided to spend your time relaxing. Hey, you deserved it! Besides, who wanted to be stuck inside on such a lovely day?

Ron was now out of the Hospital Wing for good and you were helping him catch up with the mountain of homework he had missed. There were many afternooms spent in the library, revising and stuff. Although, you somehow always got distracted and ended up talking about anything and everything else.


Suddenly, Ron ran over to you, filled with an energy you don't remember him ever having before. What potion did Madam Pomfrey give to him?

He sat down next to you, panting and out of breath, yet grinning wildly. "Why are you so happy, today?" You asked, nudging him playfully in the side. "Oh, uh, no reason. No reason at all." He replied, unconvincingly, trailing off at the end. "If you say so, Ronald." You say, using his full name, to tease him. You obviously didn't believe him, but didn't feel like interrogating him today.

You continued reading your book, turning the pages, feeling Ron staring at you. The silence between you two wasn't at all awkward. No, it was... Comfortable. Like nothing needed to be said or understood.


Unable to concentrate on the words anymore, you closed your book and laid down on the soft, green grass, scattered with daisies and buttercups. You pulled out your wand, absentmindedly waving it and creating multicoloured sparks in front of you. You smiled, as Ron still stared at you.

He had been acting unlike himself, since he had broken up with Lavender and gotten out of the Hospital Wing. However, it didn't make any sense that he would feel sad over the breakup, as it was his choice after all.

He laid down next to you and so, you turned to face him, laughing lightly. "Hey, Y/N." He whispered. "Hey, Ron." You whisper in response, thinking of how perfect and cliché the whole moment was. But, it didn't seem to matter, as long as it was with Ron.

His hand moved towards you, tucking a stray strand of your hair behing your ear. You blushed as he did this, knowing this was a typical romantic gesture. "You know, when the sun shines on your hair, it looks really pretty." Ron said, surprising you. "Thank you, Ron, I like your hair, too." You beamed genuinely, as the tips of his ears turned red, giving away his embarrassment.

He turned away from you, slightly. "Weird that next year is gonna be our last here, isn't it?" You say, trying to make conversation. It was kind of hard, when all you could think about was Ron kissing you. "Huh? Yeah, it is. I kind of can't imagine life after, but one thing I do know for certain is that we'll always be friends." He replied, looking at you again. You felt hurt and crushed. All of the signals he was sending made you feel like he wanted more than friendship. But, clearly not. Now, you were stuck in the friendzone.

"Yeah, friends forever." You said, quietly. You felt tears begin to form and quickly brushed them away, so Ron wouldn't notice.

"What's wrong, Y/N? Have I done something to upset you?" Ron asked, in a concerned voice. "No, it's nothing, Ron." You lie, in a shaky voice. "C'mon, Y/N. I don't believe that. Please tell me what's wrong, I love you." He pleaded, but you could only focus on the last part of the sentence. "You love me?" You gasped. "Wait, what? I, uh, um..." He babbled, with wide eyes. "It's okay, if you do, Ron." You assured him, trying to stay calm. "Urgh, okay, fine. I do love you, as more then a friend." He admitted, staring into your eyes.

"The way you laugh and smile. Your eyes, everything about you. I just didn't know how to make my feelings clear to you." He continued. "Ron, I-I feel the same." You answer, wanting to say so much more, yet you struggled to find your voice.

"I love you, Y/N L/N." Ron whispered, leaning in. He pressed his lips to yours and you began to kiss. It felt like the one at Christmas, yet so much better, because now you knew your feelings were returned.

"I love you, Ron Weasley." You murmur, pulling away. He held you close. "Do you want to be my girlfriend?" He asked. "Of course." You smile.


Also, it's my birthday! And, the day that Marty McFly travels to in Back To The Future 2!

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