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You hadn't really had much of chance to speak to Ron, since before Slughorn's party. He was always too busy with Lavender.

Soon after, it was Christmas and you had been invited by Ginny, to spend it at the Burrow. You had tried to say no, as the tension between you and Ron was still there and very obvious. Ginny wouldn't hear it. She threatened you with a Bat Bogey Hex, meaning you didn't really have any choice. Well, at least Harry would be there as well. It's not like you would be forced to interact with Ron.

Now that you were here, though, Ron was acting like nothing had changed. He was a completely different person, when Lavender wasn't around. It was just like the old times, which would make it that much harder back at school, when he would barely speak to you. When he was with Lavender again.

You had been having a lot of fun, decorating the house, snowball fights and warm nights by the fire. The Weasleys were like your second family and you loved spending time with them.


One day, you were sat around the fireplace, with Ron, Harry, Ginny and the twins. The twins had just begun mocking Ron about Lavender. You felt slightly awkward, as Harry kept giving you concerned glances, which you hoped no one else saw.

"Right, I'm going to head to bed now, I'm so tired." You sighed, faking a yawn. You walked over to the stairs, saying your goodnights to everyone. Ron stood up and pulled you into a tight hug, which took you by surprise. Of course you hugged back. "Night, Y/N." He murmured, letting go way too soon for your liking.

Ron's hugs were definitely your favourite thing ever. They made you feel safe and protected, like as long as he was close to you, everything would be okay. He was so much taller than you, meaning you were able to hear his heartbeat.

"Hey, Y/N, Ron." Fred smirked. Oh, no. You knew that look all too well. Knowing the twins for six years meant you could tell when they were up to no good, which was often. "Yeah?" You and Ron ask, in unison.
"Look above you." George grinned, mischievously. You glance up, seeing mistletoe appear, as if just conjured. You shot the twins a dirty look, knowing exactly what they were doing. "Well, you have to kiss." Ginny squealed, clapping her hands together. "What about Lavender?" Ron asked, voicing what you were thinking. "It's tradition, who could deny that?" Harry smiled. "Yeah, you don't even consider her your girlfriend, do you, Ron?" Ginny raised an eyebrow, speaking in an intimidating tone, in a way that informed everyone that she was not to be argued with.

You look at Ron, almost like you were asking for permission. He shrugged casually and leaned in. He placed his lips to yours and from then on, it was instinct. It was much more magical than any spell could ever be. His hands found your waist, whilst you played with his hair. Your mouths moved in sync and you felt like you two were the only people in the world.

Eventually, you pulled away, breathless, but smiling widely. Ron grinned back and you went upstairs, remembering to thank Fred and George in the morning.


For Christmas day, Mrs Weasley cooked a huge, delicious lunch, which was sadly interrupted by Rufus Scrimgeor and Percy. The twins and Ginny began to throw mashed parsnip at him, out of anger.

The kiss had not been mentioned, much to your relief. Why would it? Ron had a girlfriend, it was just tradition. Nothing more, nothing less. But it meant everything to you.

Remus Lupin and Tonks came over for dinner in the evening. You knew all about the Order of the Phoenix, as your family were a part of it amd had been for many years.

After dinner, you and everyone else were talking by the fire. Tonks and Lupin excused themselves and you followed them to the door, to say goodbye. There seemed to be a kind of tension between them, not unlike that between you and Ron.

As they opened the door, Bellatrix Lestrange appeared. You got out your wand, ready to attack. She cast a ring of fire around the Burrow, then ran off into the reeds surrounding the Burrow.

"Everybody, get out!" Tonks yelled, grabbing her wand. Harry and Ginny rushed down stairs, matching expressions of horror on their faces. Everybody ran outside, vaguely hearing Bellatrix chant something.

"I killed Sirius Black, I killed Sirius Black. Are you coming to get me?" She yelled. Harry was livid. Ignoring the protests, he ran after her, followed by Ginny. Lupin, Mr Weasley and Tonks ran after them. They disappeared into the reeds, Mrs Weasley collapsing into loud, heavy sobs. You all ran over to her, soothing and ready to defend.

Fenrir Greyback leapt out from hiding, along with more of his friends. "Flipendo duo!" You scream, trying to protect the Weasleys. Greyback non-verbally deflected your spell with ease, cackling manically.
"Crucio!" He laughed. You dodged it and Ron ran to your side, to help you battle. "Everte Statum!" He bellowed. Greyback was caught off guard and was flung backwards.

Scrambling around, he got up and fled into the reeds, with his goons following. You were panicking for the others, you could hear shouts, but the reeds were so tall you couldn't see over them. Ron moved over and wrapped an arm around you, making you feel a lot calmer, yet still alert.

Everything after was a blur. The next thing you knew, the Burrow was completly engulfed in flames and the Death Eaters were flying away. "Augmenti!" You yelled, repeatedly, as everyone tried to extinguish the flames.

Once the fire had been put out, you surveyed the damage. The familiar home of the Weasleys was unrecognisable. Charred and burnt to rubble.
"Don't worry, Molly. We'll help you rebuild it, by magic. It'll be just like before and it won't take too long." Lupin said, as Mrs Weasley was crying uncontrollably into Mr Weasley's jacket.

A/N: Another part finished! I'm so bloody tired, I woke up at 5:15, then spent three hours in a car, getting to watch the sunrise. But, I had two hot chocolates and got some new jumpers. On the way home, I fell asleep and I had dinner out, as an early birthday treat.

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