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Well, at least Ron was steadily getting better and he had finally made up with Hermione and Ginny, whom he had argued with, over her relationship with Dean Thomas.

He seemed so much more carefree and happier. It felt like it had been months since you had seen him alone and without Lavender always attached to his face. Ew.

You visited him often, filling him in on what he was missing out on, which was mostly homework. Usually really long and tedious essays, from Snape, which Ron would have to complete, when he was out of the Hospital Wing.

Occasionally, you brought sweets from Honeyduke's, knowing they never failed to brighten Ron's day. And yours, of course, as they were so delicious. And entertaining in some cases, if they were Bertie Bott's Every Flavour Beans. You had eaten a chili flavoured one and it was so spicy! Thankfully, Ron had a full pitcher of water next to him, which you drank. Your tongue felt numb for days afterwards.

During the Quidditch match, you stayed in the Hospital Wing, listening to Luna's exciting and bizarre commentary, with Ron. You weren't watching the match with everyone else, as you felt bad leaving Ron by himself, when you knew how much he hated not playing. Cormac McLaggen, whom Ron despised, was replacing him, making Ron feel even worse.

Ron laughed loudly at something Luna said and you gazed at him, affectionately. The way his eyes lit up and the smile was genuine made you feel special. Like he was smiling for you. Soon enough, you were smiling with him, like his happiness was passed on to you. Wait, he was the reason you were happy.

"You know, I never have this much fun with Lavender." Ron said, suddenly, making you sit up straighter and pay more attention. "Really?" You gasped, shocked. "Yeah, all she ever wants to do is snog me. We don't ever do anything else, my lips are so bloody chapped! It's not a relationship, I want to be able to get to know a girl and feel close to her, do all of the cute couple things." He admitted. "Has she been to visit you, at all?" You asked. "Yes, but I've always pretended to be asleep." He confessed. "Why? I thought you loved her." You replied, trying to contain your excitement. "Turns out, I don't. I need to break up with her and soon. She's definitely not the girl for me." Ron sighed, holding his head in his hands. You nodded understandingly, but really, you wanted to shout for joy!

Maybe, just maybe, he liked you back!


Ron kept true to his word. He broke up with Lavender and boy, did everyone know about it. She was a mess, constantly crying and blubbering loudly. She always gave you evils, like it was your fault that Ron had ended things with her.

Hermione stuck by you, way more cheery now that she never had to see Lavender and Ron trying to devour each other's faces every five minutes. You couldn't care less, though; now you were spending most of your time with Ron.

The two of you spent many lazy afternoons by the Black Lake, as it was summer. There was a willow tree, which was perfect for sitting under and talking.

Your friends were asking if you two were a couple. It didn't seem like Ron acted like your boyfriend, much to your disappointment.


Much to your delight, Harry and Ginny had finally realised their feelings for each other. They were the cutest couple! They spent every possible moment, as though they were fearing it might be the last.

The four of you and Hermione hung out a lot. You wondered who Hermione fancied, if there was anyone. Hermione didn't seem to suit anyone at Hogwarts; she was just too perfect.

It didn't occur to you that the year was nearly over. So much had happened and it pretty much flew by rapidly. Next year was your last year at Hogwarts. There were so many questions left unanswered. When was Voldemort going to be defeated? Is he going to continue getting stronger? You would find out, all in due time.

Somehow, you knew you were going to be a part of the final battle. Everyone was saying how Harry was going to be the hero and as you were one of his best friends, of course you were going to fight alongside him. Or, your parents would fight and despite what they say, you would help them.

A/N: One more part left!

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