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It was finally the night of Slughorn's party. You were waiting for Seamus, who was taking ages to get ready, in the Gryffindor common room. You let out a soft sigh, you would most likely be the last people to turn up.

You were focusing intently on the flickering flames of the fire, when someone walked down the stairs from the boy's dormitories.

It wasn't Seamus. You didn't even need to glance up, to know who it was. Damn, you thought you had been doing a good job at avoiding him.

"Hi, Y/N." Ron said, quietly. "Hi, Ron." You replied. It was the first time you had acknowledged each other, since the bird incident. To be honest, you were surprised he had spoken to you. "You look really pretty tonight, Seamus is a very lucky guy." He continued, sounding slightly jealous. Wait, no, that couldn't be right. You blushed at his words. "There's nothing romantic between Seamus and I, we're just friends." You tell him, for some reason. You almost felt like he cared, but he had Lavender. "What about you and Harry? You and him were pretty close, after the Quidditch match." He questioned. "He was just comforting me. And my love life really isn't any of your business, Ronald. You have a girlfriend." You point out.

There was a very long, awkward pause. "Well, I'm going to meet Lavender. Have fun at Slughorn's party." He said, after what felt like hours. "Thanks, Ron." You smile, feeling your heart ache. He climbed out of the portrait hole, leaving you alone.

Seamus came down the stairs, to find you staring at the closed portrait hole, as if someone was going to come through it. But that wasn't going to happen. "Are you ready to go, Y/N?" He asked, cheerily. "Yeah, let's go." You say, forcing a smile onto your face.


Slughorn's party was well underway, by the time you and Seamus arrived, a lot later than expected. He greeted you both warmly, smelling faintly of Firewhisky.

Not long after, Seamus sighted Dean and Ginny and immediately pushed through the loud mass of people, to get to them. You sighed lightly; now you were all alone again.

If Ron was here, the two of you would have grabbed some food, then started to dance. There would have been some jokes and a lot of laughter, He wouldn't have left your side the whole evening. However, Ron wasn't here, he was with someone else. You shook your head, in anger.

You had to stop thinking that way about him, he was with Lavender now.

You spotted Harry and Luna and practically sprinted over to them. "Hey, guys. Great party, isn't it? Have you seen Hermione?" You say, taking a sip of the Butterbeer you had grabbed. "No, not yet. She said she was meeting somebody here, though." Harry replied.

"Why aren't you with Ron, Y/N?" Luna asked, in her dreamy voice. You coughed awkwardly. "Well, uh, something happened and he couldn't make it." You said, not completely dishonestly. She nodded her head, understandingly. "I was worried the Nargles had gotten him." She replied, seriously. "No, nothing like that." You assured her. She smiled, as though she was in a daze. She then walked off, to where Professor Trelawney was chugging many glasses of sherry.

"Fun party, eh?" Harry smiled, with a hint of sarcasm. "Yeah, I know right." You answer, in an overly enthusiastic voice. Although no words were exchanged between the two of you, it was very comforting.

Just then, Filch stormed in, capturing everyone's attention, holding Malfoy at an arm's length. He claimed to be gatecrashing. Snape, as Malfoy's head of house, was to deal with him outside. "I'll catch up with you later, Y/N." Harry promised, before darting away. You sighed, knowing he was probably going to eavesdrop on the conversation.

After socialising with a few Ministy workers, who you had met through your parents, you spotted a head of frizzy, brown hair. "Hermione, hey, Hermione!" You called. She saw you and smiled. You pushed past someone and joined her. She kept looking around, like she was hiding from someone. "What's wrong, 'Mione?" You question, using her nickname. "Oh, nothing. I'm just avoiding Cormac McLaggen, because he's actually a very unpleasant person." She frowned.

She stayed with you for a while, drinking a Gillywater and eating a Pumpkin Pasty, but she dashed off suddenly, mouthing an apology. You guessed she had seen Cormac. You drank the rest of your fourth Butterbeer, then politely excused yourself, after thanking Professor Slughorn for a brilliant evening. Desperate to just get back to your dorm and sleep, you didn't even bother looking for Seamus.


A/N: Hello, again! I don't really have much to say, so I don't really know what to put here. I don't even know if anyone reads these, I'm probably just talking to myself.

Oh, I'm listening to State Champs new album now, so that'll probably occupy me for ages. Also, I'm going to an outlet place tomorrow and I'm really excited!

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